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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

Launches 45 Lives rescued 66 OCTOBER 4TH. - HARTLEPOOL, DURHAM.

On the night of the 3rd of October, HMS. Cam, with a crew of twenty-two, was being towed to West Hartlepool for repairs, by the American deep sea tug W.S.A.2....

Category: Services

The Annual Meeting

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

THE hundred and thirteenth Annual Meeting of the governors of the Institu- tion was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, at 3 P.M. on Friday, 9th April. Nearly 2,000 people were present.

H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, K.G.,...

Category: Meetings

Annual Report

Date: April 1866

Volume: 06

Issue: 60

AT the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the London Tavern on Tuesday the 13th of March, 1866, the Eight Hon. EARL PERCY, P.O., in the Chair, the following Report of the Committee was read by the...

Category: Annual Reports


Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

Launches 52 Lives rescued 54 DECEMBER 2ND. - ST. IVES, CORNWALL.

At 6.15 in the morning the coastguard reported that a vessel three miles south-east of St. Ives Head had signalled that she was sinking. A moderate...

Category: Services

A Silver Medal Service at Longhope

Date: June 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 310

ON the night on 9th January signals of a vessel in distress were seen off Tor Ness at the south-west end of the island of Hoy in the Orkneys. She was found later to be the trawler Dorbie of Hull.

It was then ten minutes...

Category: Services

The Unseaworthy Ships' Commission

Date: November 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 90

THE Royal Commission appointed at the instance of Mr. Plimsoll " to inquire into the alleged unseaworthiness of British registered ships," has issued a " pre- liminary" report. The report is signed by all the...

Category: Articles

Life-Boats and Life-Saving Apparatus In the United States of America

Date: February 1880

Volume: 11

Issue: 115

WE have in previous numbers of the Life-boat Journal given accounts of the Life-saving Institutions of France and Germany, and have referred to those in other maritime countries of Europe. We feel sure that equal interest will be felt in a...

Category: Articles

Our Sailors

Date: November 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 142

THE tide is full, the wind is fair, The hour is striking now, And word goes round, with hearty cheer, "Up anchor to the bow." The capstan creaks as bars are manned By sailors stout and true; The captain smiles as from the strand...

Category: Poetry

A Vessel (3)

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Holy Island and North Sunderland, Northumberland.

—Early on the morning of the 28th February the coastguard reported to the Holy Island life-boat station that a vessel was in distress in Goswick Bay. A north-easterly...

Joint Helicopter-Life-Boat Exercise

Date: December 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 374

ON the 1st of September, 1955, the Humber life-boat City of Bradford III carried out an exercise in conjunction with a helicopter of the Royal Air Force station at North Cotes.

In the morning the pilot of the air- craft...

Category: Articles