At 12.3 in the morning the coastguard telephoned that a large vessel was ashore about one mile south of South Carr.
A north-west gale was blowing, with a very rough...
SING Ho! ho 1 ho! how the wild winds blow, And the breakers in fury foam, While, with thund'ring roar, o'er the storm-swept shore, The waves in their frenzy roam! Oh, many a ship, in the storm-fiend's grip, Would add to the...
Category: Songs
On the morning of the 30th June a strong N.E. gale sprang up causing a very heavy sea whilst the herring fleet were returning from the fishing grounds.
Owing to the heavy swell and surf at the Harbour entrances it was...
SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT BALLYCOTTON DECEMBER 23RD. - BALLY-COTTON, CO. CORK. At nine in the morning a message was received at the station that a vessel was in distress about five miles south of Power Head. She could be seen from Ballycotton,...
The first Gold Medal to be awarded after the establishment of the Lifeboat journal was not to a lifeboatman but was for an outstanding act of individual bravery following the wreck of the Royal Charter near Moelfre, in Anglesey, on 26...
Category: Articles
THE Board of Trade has recently published the Wreck Register of the United Kingdom for the past year. As usual, it is a most interesting document, convey- ing much useful information on a subject of national importance.
Category: Annual Reports
Mallaig, Inverness-shire EARLIER BAD WEATHER on Saturday September 11, 1982, gave way to a bright sunny morning at the attractive west coast of Scotland harbour of Mallaig as preparations were made for the naming of the station's new...
Category: Inaugurations
SIR, IT is an important and cheering feature of the present age, that the general interests of our common humanity are so extensively cared for; and this has in various ways been exemplified, as it regards the physical wellbeing of our own...
Category: Correspondence
THE following letter was received last October from Ashington, the mining village in Northumberland. The Cresswell Lifeboat Station IB not far away, and most of the Cresswell Crew have at one time or another worked in theAshington mines. The...
Category: Articles
• Decca Radar Ltd., Decca House, Albert Embankment, London, S.E. 1, have been privileged to provide radar for the R.N.L.I, for eight years.
The Decca 202 series and Kelvin Hughes Type 17 were the first sets to meet all the...
Category: Articles