DURING A REGULAR inspection at Tenby in 1978 the RNLI's consulting engineers. Lewis and Duvivier. found that since their previous triennial upkeep and maintenance inspection many of the timber piles of the lifeboat house had deteriorated...
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It was eight at night when the motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched to the help of a foreign steamer, the Georgios, of Piraeus. The night was very dark. A moderate wind was...
INSPIRED BY CLASSIC ENGLISH LANTERN CLOCKS OF THE 1600s, THE NATIONAL MARITIME HISTORICAL SOCIETY SPONSORS U l l SMIillllT i l sj/c t l nppruxiiijiu- ly H) -" (27.6cm) I'jn and l ' ' fill) i n width.
ii tt4...
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IN The, Lifeboat for last February an account was given of the help received from cinemas during the display of two films, " Down to the Sea in Ships " and " Women Who Give," which had Life-boat interest. These films were...
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Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
{Incorporated by Royal Charter.*) Supported by Voluntary Contributions.
President—THE EIGHT HON....
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(See Diagrams on next page.} The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the boat. Every Life-boat, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house ready for...
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SILVER AND BRONZE MEDAL SERVICES AT CROMER AND GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON OCTOBER 26TH - 27TH. - CROMER, AND GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON, NORFOLK. About eight in the morning a message came from the Cromer coastguard that the Yarmouth...
Do we not often find, in the winter's even-ing, that our warm rooms seem more cosy, and the flames lap more brightly and closely round the half-consumed log, as a...
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FROM the moment that Her Majesty's fine frigate the Galatea* left our shores in the spring of last year, under the command of the youthful Duke of Edinburgh, to visit our colonies in the southern hemisphere, and to convey to them in...
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THE RNLI'S ACCOUNTS for 1975 are not complete at the time of going to press, hut it is certain that expenditure will have exceeded income. In other words there w i l l he a deficit which will have to he made good.
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