IT is with very great regret that we record two Life-boat disasters on the French coast during the present year.
In one of them two Life-boats of La Societe Centrale de Sauvetage des Nau- frages were wrecked with the loss...
Category: Articles
THE Institution is fortunate in often having the help of its Coxswains and Crews, not only in manning the Life- boats, but in raising funds, sometimes by their personal efforts and sometimes in the form of gifts out of salvage money which...
Category: Donations
" AT 9 P.M. on the 18th of March, 1828, the boat belonging to the Venus Steam Packet, of Glasgow, William Brown, Commander, landed at Glynn, in the County of Wexford, with nine persons on board, including himself and one female ; and...
Category: Articles
THE brig Aurora, coal laden, was wrecked near the mouth of the Tees, on the night of the 14th August, 1829, in a heavy gale and tremendous sea ; and the crew, consisting of ten persons, were saved by the intrepid conduct of Lieutenant Pym, R...
Category: Medals
Tim Secretary of the Institution pro- poses, if possible, to compile its history for publication in 1924, and he will be most grateful to all Honorary Secre- taries, especially of Station Branches, for every assistance which they may be good...
Category: Articles
ADMIRAL STUART NICHOLSON, C.B., M.V.O., D.L., who has been Honorary Secretary of the Bude Branch since 1921, and was presented last year with the Gold Badge, has contributed £207 to the funds of the Branch by photography, principally by...
Category: Donations
LIFE-BOAT CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS FOUR attractive and interesting life-boat Christmas cards are available this year.
A.—A card bearing an illustration reproduced from a painting by Stewart Henry Bell, hanging at Head...
Category: Advertisement
THE Institution will again have a Christmas card and a pocket calendar for sale. The card will be a reproducti on in colour of the picture on this page.
It is a photograph of the 41-feet Newhaven life-boat Cecil and Lillian...
Category: Advertisement
"A party of trustees, with their wives and daughters, agree to meet at some commodious hotel in the vicinity of a life-boat station, the day is fine, and the party are perhaps themselves rowed out a couple of miles—a daring deed, which...
Category: Articles
Discover the double benefits of A combination of magnets and copper - Twice the power - twice the benefit Now... for the very first time, Ceba of London brings you the exclusive Rumaton combined copper and magnetic...
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