The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the boat.
Every Life-boat, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house ready for immediate...
Category: Articles
On the morning of the 30th March was reported that a barque was ashore on Cymeran Beach, with all hands in the fore rigging, the vessel having sunk, and her mainmast having been carried away during a heavy S.S.W.
gale. The...
Sounds of music float along; Seas flow in with summer song ; For the sands are gay, and children play Where storms rage fierce on wintry day.
" A penny in the elot—H peril from the sea !" A coin from me, a coin...
Category: Poetry
An exception- ally heavy gale visited the south-west part of England on the 13th December, and during the height of the gale the Life-boat Elizabeth and Blanche was called out to go to the help of a sailing- ship in distress in the bay. The...
APART from the inspection of the Life-boats on the Thames and the visit to Fulham, everything was done by the Institution, with much generous help from others, to give the British and foreign Life-boatmen a good time while they were in...
Category: Articles
Longhope (The Orkneys).
At one in the morning on 5th January, the Aberdeen steam trawler, Braconmoor, outward bound for the fishing grounds, went ashore on TornessPoint, in the Orkneys, three and a half miles from Longhope....
EWARDS or thanks for the help of 'e-boats have been received during ie present year from the Governments "[ five foreign countries, Belgium, Jenmark, Finland, Italy and the Jnited States of...
Category: Awards
THREE thousand gas-filled balloons were released from Torquay sea front with cards attached to each balloon bearing the name of someone who had paid one shilling to the Torquay branch of the Institution. Three prizes were awarded for the...
Category: Donations
TEN SURVIVORS PICKED UP FROM RAFTS Longhope, and Stronsay, Orkneys. At 3.7 on the afternoon of the 4th August, 1962, the coastguard informed the Stronsay honorary secretary that the motor vessel Daisy of Peterhead had sunk and that her crew...
f MARITIME BOOK BARGAINS from The No-Nonsense Book Society Tor All Who Love The Sea The Maritime Book Society is a unique, personal service offering books on every practical aspect of boatowning and modern seamanship. Our books provide all...
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