• The first edition of The Small-Boat Skipper's Safety Book by Denny Desoutter (Hollis and Carter, £1.95) was published in 1972. The revised second edition published this year is in the light, no doubt, of after thoughts; but it...
Category: Articles
ON a former occasion we brought to the notice of our readers Mr. LACON'S improved plan for lowering boats, intended to prevent the recurrence of such lamentable accidents and fearful loss of life as had then recently taken place in the...
Category: Articles
The James Michael Bower Endowment Fund was established in 1955 by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company as a memorial to James Michael Bower, late third officer of the s.s. Stratheden, who lost his life in a disaster. Awards...
Category: Awards
ENGLAND—that is to say, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland—is a great, a wealthy, a populous, and a powerful country. But it is likewise essentially a maritime one. If not maritime it would have been nothing; for without that...
Category: Articles
Turning turf into money If your branch has a small racecourse in its territory it can be a money spinner.
I say small because our branch also has a large course within its boundaries, but as a fund raising area it is dead...
Category: Donations
Experience and compassion combined when three volunteers faced the toughest test
The call came at 8.19am on Easter Sunday 2012. All that Damien Bolton, Nicola Bradbury and Matthew Main knew was...
Category: Articles
THREE LIFE-BOATMEN OVERBOARD NOVEMBER 9TH - 10TH. - MONTROSE, AND BROUGHTY FERRY, ANGUS. Shortly after six in the evening an Admiralty tug was bombed from the air. The Montrose coxswain saw the bombs dropping. Thinking that the life-boat...
Salvor rescued ON THE MORNING of Friday March 22, 1985, St David's 47ft Watson class lifeboat, Joseph Soar (Civil Service No 34), launched at 1022 following a report that a 40ft fishing vessel, Miss AH Jane, had lost power and was close...
A FEW days after the British Isles have been visited by one of the most destructive storms on record, it may not be inappro- priate to call attention to the last issue of the Wreck Register. Its pages clearly show that, along with the...
Category: Articles
OCTOBER 11TH - 12TH. THE MUMBLES, GLAMORGANSHIRE. The frigate Cheboque, of the Royal Canadian Navy, had been torpedoed in the Atlantic eleven hundred miles away, with the loss of one of her crew of forty-three, and severe damage to her stern...