ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION carried out at Lowestoft in 1892 a series of competitive trials and tests with, sailing Life-boats the details of which were subsequently published. The trials with the various types of pulling Life-boats...
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Ho ! build the Life-boat, heart and hand ; Quick ! ake the many- voiced command ! The black-winged tempest downward dips, Like death, on night-bewildered ships.
Let wrinkled age and valiant youth Close rib it as with ribs...
Category: Poetry
(Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.) ITS OBJECT AND WORK.
The work of the Institution mainly consists of— 1. Building, equipping and maintaining Life-boats, transporting carriages, boathouses and slipways,...
Category: Articles
THE Life-boat Calendar for 1932 is now ready. It has on it a reproduction in colours of a painting which Mr.
Charles Dixon, R.I., has very kindly done for the Institution called " At the Height of the Storm." It...
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Four days afterwards a sudden gale from N.E., accompanied by rain, sprang up on this coast, and great excitement was occasioned at Eedcar from the fact of there being five fishing cobles out at sea. The gale came on between 7 and 8 A.M., and...
THE first of the Life-boat Centenary celebrations in London was a dinner at the Authors' Club on 29th January, at which Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., the Secretary of the Institution, an old mem- ber of the Club, presided, and at which Sir...
Category: Articles
ALDEBURGH.—In response to messages by telephone received on the 15th February while a whole gale was blowing from S. by W., the Eeserve Life-boat, temporarily placed at this station, was launched at 10.30 P.M. Terrific seas were breaking on...
Berwick - on - Tweed, Northumberland; and Dunbar, East Lothian.—At 7.35 in the morning on the 31st of January, 1950, the Berwick coastguard telephoned the Berwick life-boat authorities that a railway signalman had reported a vessel...
How even a non-swimmer can save someone from drowning " Join Shoreline now. Why Shoreline ? Last year the RNLI saved • over 1,750 lives. This year we expect to save even more. In order to maintain the service we need m every...
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How even a non-swimmer can save someone from drowning I wish to join Shoreline, enclosed is my cheque for: (Please tick appropriate box) An "Off Shore" Member (annual subscription £3 including journal).
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