AMONG the many busy years of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, 1887 and 1888 were the busiest so far as boat-building and altering existing Life-boats was concerned. In 1887, as will be seen on referring to page 244 of the August...
Category: Articles
In the first of the two following tables are the twenty Branches which have the largest total contributions for 1924.
The second table gives simply a selection of Branches from different parts of the country, which have a...
Category: Branches
confer the decoration of the Albert Medal of the second class on Sub-lieutenant LIONEL ANDROS DE SAUSMAREZ, R.N., of Her Ma- jesty's ship Myrmidon. The following is an account of the services in respect of which the decoration has been...
Category: Articles
AT the end of last year we began building the first of a new type of Motor Life-boat.
She will be by far the largest and most powerful Motor Life-boat in the Instituincreased tion's Fleet, and will, in fact, be the...
Category: Articles
In her presidential address at the Institution's annual general meeting on 21st March, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, called attention to the remark- able changes which have taken place during her presidency.
It was...
Category: Articles
THE decision of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to carry out exhaustive trials -with different types of Life-boats is an additional proof to those already given in various "ways that the governing body are determined not to sit...
Category: Articles
BRISTOW HELICOPTERS have given to Aberdeen's 54' Arun BP Forties an AM VHP (air band) Pye Westminster radio, which allows direct communication between lifeboat and aircraft; the cheque for £350 was presented to Coxswain Albert...
Category: Articles
and girls 152. The prize for the best essay has now been won nine times by girls and seven times by boys (a boy and a girl tying for it in 1933).
The Awards.
Alice Chambers will receive a copy of...
Category: Articles
Surfer saved by inshore lifeboat in severe gale and heavy seas Helmsman Stuart Roberts of Porthcawl's D class inshore lifeboat was awarded a Silver Medal for outstanding bravery during the rescue of a surfer in very rough seas on 30...
WHILST we are doing all in our power to guard our coasts with life-boats ready to save life in the event of a vessel being stranded on our shores, we must not lose sight of the fact that the greatest loss of life among our own countrymen,...
Category: Articles