THE following report, sent in by the honorary secretary of an inshore rescue boat station, is just another example of failing to face up to the fact that the sea is unpredictable.
Apparently two men went out in a homemade...
Category: Articles
DF bearing OBAN COASTGUARD reported to the deputy launching authority of Islay lifeboat station at 0216 on Wednesday February 16 that the fishing vessel Girl Norma had broken down to the west of Jura.
The night was dark and...
Danish fishing vessel aground KIRKWALL COASTGUARD fired maroons to alert the lifeboat at 2045 on Friday, March 5, having seen a fishing vessel, Marianne Bodker of Denmark, ashore on Coubister Skerries.
The 70' Clyde...
A stormy sea can very quickly become a cruel sea to a vessel in distress.
Crashing waves prevent rescue vessels getting alongside. And poor visibility can make yards seem like miles.
With the Pains-Wessex...
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IN order to be ready for any emergency on the coast the Institution keeps at its Storeyard at Poplar, on the Thames, a Eeserve Fleet of Life-boats. One of these Boats can be sent at a moment's notice to any place on the coast where the...
Category: Articles
During the night of the 31st July the Coastguard at Knab saw flares being burnt by a vessel in the South entrance. She was evidently drifting seaward. The Life-boat Station was warned, and the Motor Life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland was...
A LADY living in a Suffolk village started to have a collecting boat for the Life-boat Service in May 1945. In Mav of this year she sent back the boat for "the sixth time, with £22 Ss. 7d. in it. Altogether in the three years she...
Category: Donations
The following retired coxswains have died: Ex-Coxswain Henry Nicholas served continuously in life-boats from 1919 until his retirement in March, 1967, the last 1 years as coxswain of the Sennen Cove, Cornwall, lifeboat.
Category: Obituaries
A stormy sea can very quickly become a cruel sea to a vessel in distress.
Crashing waves prevent rescue vessels getting alongside. And poor visibility can make yards seem like miles.
With the Pains-Wessex...
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At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, held at Princes' Hall, Piccadilly, on Saturday, 21st day of March, 1891. The Most Honourable the MARQUIS of HAR- TINGTON, M.P., in the Chair, the following...
Category: Annual Reports