DIVING BOAT TOWED AFTER BEING BEACHED Hastings, Sussex. At 11.10 on the morning of the 26th July, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the diving boat Missy, on passage from Newhaven to Hastings, had developed a serious...
TWO CANOEISTS DROWN Barry Dock, Glamorganshire. At 5.16 on the afternoon of Friday the 23rd August, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a man at Penarth had reported to the police that three men in two canoes appeared...
Scheme of Co-operation between the Institution, the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the British Red Cross and St. Andrew's Ambulance Association.
By GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.
Category: Articles
Second Coxswain William Mowat, of Longhope, and Mr. Edward Bensley, of Gorleston.
Two life-boatmen died last October, each of whom had the remarkable record of fifty-three years' service in the life-boat. One was...
Category: Obituaries
Over 70% of our planet’s surface is water but who is in charge of traffic on this vast highway and how has maritime law evolved?
This year sees the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the...
Category: Articles
By a Life-boat Worker of Twenty-five Years' Experience.
Now that the Ladies' Life-boat Guild has been formed and many new members are being enrolled who are not yet acquainted with the methods which the...
Category: Donations
Committee EXCELLENT SUPPORT has continued this quarter for the various projects of the Central Appeals Committee. Captain Phelps, master of John Biscoe of the British Antarctic Survey, on arrival at Southampton handed over more than £31...
Category: Committee
IN a lecture recently delivered, and since published, by Rear-Admiral Sir WILLIAM EDWARD PARRY, entitled " A Lecture on the Character, Condition, and Responsibilities of British Seamen," will be found the following abstract of the...
Category: Articles
THE Institution has decided to fit Aqualite L.20 automatic lights on all life-jackets in use in the service.
Trials of this lighting device have been carried out at twelve life-boat stations since April, 1960. The lights...
Category: Articles
At about 8.30 P.M. on the 10th August it was reported by visitors that a small fishing boat had not returned, and was believed to be fog-bound about one and a half miles S.E. of Bembridge. The Motor Life-boat Langham was launched in a smooth...