John Batchelor (above), a member of Mudeford lifeboat crew runs the fresh fish stall on the quayside and has produced a fish cookbook to raise funds for the station. Mr Batchelor retires from active lifeboat duty in four years time and it is... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
George Duffy, Ian Sheridan, David Howard and Aaron Howard from Howth lifeboat station and Paul Gamble from Fowey were invited to pick the winning tickets in the 96th Lifeboat Lottery. The five crew members, accompanied by Darren Scully,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The first Life- boat service in the year 1872 was, that on the 1st January, by the boat on this station, it happening to be the only service performed by a Life-boat of the Institution on New Year's Day, 1872.
On the 27th March, 1872, the Dutch schooner Douro was seen in distress in St. Austell Bay, during a heavy southerly gale, and in a rough sea. The Rochdale Life-boat soon went to her assistance; and at the request of the master she remained...
YOU, who dwell in homes of comfort, Circled by the friends you prize ; Don't forget the vessels tossing, Can't you hear the Sailor's cries ? Cries for help, where no one hears him, Cries for mercy from above, Can't...
Category: Poetry
Whether you slaved over a hot stove or just popped down the chippy, thanks for making our Fish Supper a real hit
Thousands of people are feeling that warm glow of satisfaction after sharing a hearty meal for the RNLI Fish...
Category: Articles
TOWARDS A NEW LIFEBOAT: A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN RNLI AND ML A How to make more money • from your savings - * t t • • £50 and save lives too! £100,000 £75,000 £50,000 ~ £20,000 The target for the MLAI RNLI joint...
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HORNSEA.—On the morning of Tuesday, the 8th November, during a moderate E. gale and a heavy sea, rockets were fired in quick succession by the fourmasted ship Earl of Beaconsfield, of London, bound from Calcutta for Hull with a cargo of...
During a very thick fog on the 5th January a message was received from the Cross Light-vessel by wireless telegraphy stating a steamer was ashore on the sand. The crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden were assembled and the boat launched...
Lowestoft, Suffolk - At 9 a.m. on 28th September, 1969, the coastguard reported that a rowing boat was in difficulties off the Links road. At 9.10 the life-boat Frederick Edward Crick slipped her moorings in a fresh south westerly wind with...