At 3.45 P.M. the life-boat Frederick and Emma went out to search for the local fishing coble Treasure, which was overdue. A S.E. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. She found her two...
Lifeboats in the South Seas - in TongaJust before Christmas, Swanage lifeboat station received news of their old lifeboat, Thomas Markby, which served at the station from 1928 to 1949.
The letter came from the Kingdom of...
Category: Articles
MARCH No. 2 Life-boat Area Port St. Mary, Isle of Man - At 4.30 p.m. on 28th March, 1970, the life-boat's motor mechanic told the honorary secretary that a fishing boat was signalling for assistance off Scarlet point. After confirmation...
Category: Services
In 2013, we’ll start replacing Mersey class lifeboats with the next generation of all-weather lifeboat – the Shannon class. At £1.5M a piece, why are we doing it?
The Mersey class lifeboat...
Category: Articles
ifeline Legacies are a vital element of the RNLI's funding, particularly for long-term capital expenditure. With signs of a decline in this source of income we examine the ways in which a legacy can indeed offer a lifeline to casualties...
Category: Donations
Two fishermen lost LIVERPOOL COASTGUARD received a 999 call at 2159 on August 19, 1979, from Braystones reporting that twomen who had gone fishing in an inflatable dinghy had not returned. It was thought that they had gone south to the...
The same life-boat also performed a noble service on the 2nd December, in saving at great risk the crew, consisting of 3 men, of the sloop Frances Mary, of Inverkeithing, which vessel became a total wreck on the Eedcar Eocks during a strong...
BALLYWALTER.—On the 20th October, the brigantine Wancoma, of Belfast, struck on Wallace's Bocks, about a mile south of the Bally waiter Life-boat station, at about 11.45 P.M., during a fresh gale. She was boarded by a Coastguard galley...
PALLING.—On the 6th April, at about 7 A.M., the s. s. Spartan, of Botterdam, bound from Hamburg to London, with a cargo of sugar, grounded on the Hasborough Sands during a dense fog. On the following morning, the fog having cleared, the...
NORTH SUNDERLAND.—The schooner St. Fergus, of Wick, bound from the Tyne for Inverness, with cement, in trying to pass through the Fairway, between the land and the Fame Islands, during a strong W.N.W. gale on the 17th March, 1885, broke her...