New boathouse at Angle The new boathouse and slipway at Angle was completed in July this year, next to the site of the old 1927 boathouse, which was fully operational while the building programme was underway.
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Category: Photographs
NOVEMBER 17TH. - YARMOUTH, ISLE OF WIGHT. At 8.15 in the morning the coastguard telephoned that a small vessel was making signals of distress off Blackwood Point, Brook. A fresh south-west gale was blowing, with heavy squalls and a heavy...
On the 2nd April, at daylight, a vessel, which afterwards proved to be the brig Velocity, of Sunderland, was perceived to be ashore on Sizewell Bank, the wind blow- ing hard from S.S.W. at the time. The Thorpe life-boat was quickly launched...
ONCE again it becomes our duty to draw the attention of our friends to the sta- tistics published by the Board of Trade, relative to the wrecks occurring on our rock-bound shores. The Register, re- cently laid before the public, furnishes...
Category: Articles
Thinking of doing more sea swimming?
Here are some RNLI safety tips:
Category: Articles
Lifeboats stand-by stranded cargo vessel in severe weatherThe chairman of the RNLI has written a letter of thanks to the coxswains and crews of the Padstow and St Ives lifeboats following a very difficult operation in storm-force winds.At...
Boy rescued TWO PEOPLE IN THE SEA at Rocky Valley, Bossiney, near Tintagel, 6.7 miles from Port Isaac, were reported to the deputy launching authority of Port Isaac lifeboat station by HM Coastguard at 1326 on Monday August 14,...
of getting a survivor directly out of the water. How many men does it take to get one man out of the water? Jones: We picked up two men a month ago, and one of them was completely unconscious. We put the scrambling net down; two men went...
Category: Articles
Now sounds even better.
Award-winning sound. Presenting the NEWBose® ACOUSTIC WAVE® music system II.
When we introduced our original ACOUSTIC WAVE® music system, Sound & Vision said it...
Category: Advertisement
Thursday, 10th November, 1938.
Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:—• Mr. C. V. Thomas, C.A. . . 1,500 0 0 R.N.D. . . ...
Category: Committee