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Walker Hall, of Sunderland

Date: August 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 101

THURSO, N.B.—Eleven lives were saved by the Life-boat Charley Lloyd, on the afternoon of the 7th March. On that day a heavy gale was blowing from W.N.W., when the barque Walker Hall, of Sunderland, having dragged her anchors from Scrabster...

Jacob Langstrum

Date: February 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 107

HARWICH.—On the 2nd December, the Life-boat Spring-well proceeded out about 10.30 P.M., in response to signals flredfrom the Sunk light-ship. On arriving at that light-ship, it was stated that signals had been made from the Kentish Knock....


Date: February 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 251

At 7.30 A.M. on the 8th December, during a dense fog, the watchman reported that a vessel was ashore on the beach, one mile to the eastward of the watch-house. The crew of the Life-boat were at once assembled and proceeded in the...


Date: November 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 258

At about 9 A.M. on the 18th March, Coxswain Bowen, who was on duty near Cardigan Bay, observed a signal of distress from the ketch Clara, of Milford Haven, which appeared to be in imminent danger of being driven ashore. He at once took steps...


Date: November 1895

Volume: 16

Issue: 178

PADSTOW, CORNWALL.—The ketch Tavy, of Plymouth, entered the harbour at 7 P.M.

on the 14th February, but was unable to take a pilot owing to the rough weather, the wind blowing a whole gale from the S.E. and a very heavy sea...


Date: February 1898

Volume: 17

Issue: 187

ABERDOVEY.—The brig Moringen, of Drammen, Norway, timber laden, stranded in a strong N.N.W. gale and a very heavy sea on the 16th June and became a total wreck. On receipt of news of the casualty, the Life-boat Thomas Nieeolls Stratford was...

United States Life-Saving Service

Date: November 1898

Volume: 17

Issue: 190

Mr. S0MNEE I. KIMBALL, the able and in- defatigable General Superintendent of the United States Government Life-Saving Service, has sent us his very interesting Annual Report, jast issued, furnishing particulars of the operations of the...

Category: Articles


Date: June 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 384

Buckie, Banffshire. At 10.25 on the night of the 18th of February, 1958, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the fishing boat Seaforth of Inverness was ashore on West Muck, half a mile north of Buckie harbour. The life-boat...


Date: July 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 432

Barry Dock, Glamorganshire - At 6.24 a.m. on 12th February, 1970, the coastguard reported that a distress signal had been sighted south west of Breaksea point. The life-boat Arthur and Blanche Harris slipped her moorings at 6.50. There was a...


Date: September 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 397

Arklow, Co. Wicklow. At 8.55 on the evening of the 6th May, 1961, the Civic Guard informed the honorary secretary that a yacht was burning flares about four miles north-east of the harbour.

There was a south-by-west gale...