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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Cyprus-Registered Cargo Vessel Retriever

Date: Summer 1988

Volume: 51

Issue: 505

TWO BOATS AT SEA FOR A TOTAL OF 13 HOURS Escort for listing cargo boat in 70 knot winds Sennen Cove and Clovelly - South West Division Sennen Cove's relief Rother The Davys Family was launched in winds gusting up to 71 knots on 25 March...

The Eyemouth Motor Fishing Boat Spes Bona (1)

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

MARCH 13TH. - ST. ABBS, and EYEMOUTH, BERWICKSHIRE. The Royal Observer Corps saw signals of distress and reported them to the police, who informed the St. Abbs Life-boat station at 2.30 in the afternoon. A whole northerly gale was blowing,...

The German Life-Boat Institution. (From the Shipping World, 1st July, 1894.)

Date: August 1894

Volume: 15

Issue: 173

WE learn from the Annual Report (for the year 1893-4) of the Deutsche Gesell- schaft znr Eettung Schiffbriichiger, read at the annual meeting of the committee held at Frankfort-on-the-Main on the 29th May, that in the course of the year the...

Category: Articles

A Day In the Life Of...

Date: Summer 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 545

Jon Jones, The Lifeboat's editorial assistant, looks at the work of George Rawlinson, Divisional Inspector {Dl) of lifeboats for the South .

The title 'inspector' had always caused me to form a mental image in...

Category: Articles

Life-Boat In the Lord Mayor's Procession

Date: December 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 352

THE Lord Mayor's Procession this year was a pageant of "Transport Through the Ages." It began with an Arab water carrier and ancient Britons, a man and woman travelling on foot. It ended with British Overseas and Euro- pean...

Category: Articles

(Left) Mtu 7, the Largest and Newest of the RNLI's Mobile Training Units

Date: Summer 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 545

(toft) MTU 7, the largest and newest of the RNLI's mobile training units ready for action outside Rhyl lifeboat station, (above)... while on the other side of the Irish Sea the crew of CourtmacsherTY lifeboat complete a chartwork... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Motor Coble Jean and Barbara

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944


During the morning, while the fishing cobles were out, the wind increased until it was blowing strongly from the north-west, with a rising sea. All the cobles returned - many leaving their...

The Duke of Kent President the Duke of Atholl Chairman and Rear Admiral W J Graham

Date: Spring 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 496

The Duke of Kent, president, the Duke of Atholl, chairman and Rear Admiral W. J. Graham, director of the RNLI. Beyond them, the Lady Mayoress and Lord Mayor of Westminster and RNLI vice-chairman, Mr Michael Vernon.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs