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THE 41-feet Watson motor life-boat is intended for those stations where a powerful life-boat, of the stable type, is needed, but where the conditions of service make it impossible or unneces- sary to place the 51-feet Barnett (Stromness) or...
Category: Articles
A member of the Institution's staff, Mr. Thomas Edgar Langridge, was killed last Christmas morning. He was cycling along a snow-bound road in Wembley, near his home, when he collided with a motor car. Two hours later he died in hospital...
Category: Obituaries
Compiled by Grahame Farr with the help of members of the Life-boat Enthusiasts' Society 1—Which life-boat station is farthest from the shore? 2—Where are old life-boat houses now used as (a) a library, and (b] an aquarium? 3—Which... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Obverse.—Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, "L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in...
Category: Medals
A LIFE-BOAT STATION was established at Llandudno sixty-one years ago, and for more than half that time, for thirty-one years, the Honorary (Secretary of the Branch has been the Rev. John Raymond, pastor during the whole of that time of the...
Category: Articles
WE much regret to have again to record the death of another tried friend and valuable supporter of, the Shipwreck Institution, in the person of Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P., its late esteemed Chairman. Although he had occupied that office...
Category: Obituaries
New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 8.40 on the evening of the 23rd of July, 1955, the Formby coastguard reported that the Sea Cadet pinnace Rosie was ashore on Devil's Bank in the river Mersey off Garston. At 8.50 the life- boat Norman 13....
There are many types of volunteer at the RNLI – including Stuart Popham, who has taken up the role of chair. So who is the man at the helm of the charity?
Chairing a charity is quite a commitment – why did you choose to...
Category: Articles
The naval officer-in-charge, Ramsgate, asked that a doctor should be taken to the American steamer James E. Haviland. A strong southwest wind was blowing and the sea was very rough. The motor...