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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 92

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-bouses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

How Can I Help the Institution? A Note for Keen Honorary Secretaries and Workers

Date: November 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 300

II* PLACE AUX DAMES As I pointed out in my first article, no Branch will be really effective—though it may, perchance, be technically effi- cient as a Station—nor will it exercise the far-reaching influence which should belong to it unless...

Category: Articles


Date: December 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 332

Weymouth, Dorset.—At 8.30 P.M. on the 18th August the Wyke coastguard reported a small craft in distress off Ringstead. A moderate breeze was blowing, with a very choppy sea. The motor life-boat William and Clara Ryland was launched at 8.38...

Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

Date: July 1863

Volume: 05

Issue: 49

THE twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of this Institution was held on the 8th May last at Willis's Rooms, His Grace the DDKE OF MARLBOROUGH, President of the Society, in the Chair. The noble President, with great clearness, in an excellent...

Category: Meetings

Saving Life at Sea

Date: February 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 135

To chronicle at the close of each succeed- ing year the notable events which have marked its course, is a very natural and in many ways a useful and profitable duty for statisticians to carry out; and the past year has been anything but un-...

Category: Articles

Golf Competitions

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

AN appeal was again made, at the beginning of 1935, to the principal Golf Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland, asking them to hold competitions in aid of the life-boat service, for which the Institution would give silver and enamel spoons. As...

Category: Articles


Date: Autumn 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 562

Bravery endures Thank you for the autumn issue of the magazine.

The article on Henry Shrimp Davies was of great interest to me: my brother was a crew member of the SS English Trader on that fateful night and at the age of...

Category: Correspondence

Our Inland Branches

Date: November 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 130

THE question may be asked, what hare the com- munities living incur large commercial centres, and the large inland towns of the United King- dom, in common with the work of the life-saving apparatus on the sea coast ? Why should they be...

Category: Branches

Services of Life-Boats Belonging to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: January 1863

Volume: 05

Issue: 47

FLEETWOOD, LANCASHIRE.—On the 24th July, at 8 P.M., a flat was seen to drive into broken water on the Barnard Wharf Sand, off Fleetwood. The Fleetwood life-boat proceeded at once to her aid ; she proved to be the William, of Liverpool, coal...

Category: Services

The Greek Brig Marietta

Date: July 1864

Volume: 05

Issue: 53

At 4 a.m., on the 19th October, the Greek brig Mari- etta, from Lisbon, for Cardiff, in ballast, ran ashore on some rocks in Tramore Bay.

One of the crew, at great peril to himself, plunged into the surf with a line, and...