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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Melinda Muriel (2)

Date: Autumn 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 498

Overturned fishing vessel AN EIGHTEEN FOOT fishing vessel, Melinda Muriel, had put out to sea from Skinningrove, Cleveland, with fourpeople on board on the morning of Tuesday July 29, 1986. The wind was north westerly and there were squally...

Sea Cities of the Future

Date: July 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 440

OFFSHORE cities, each with a population of 30,000 or more, and providing all the facilities and amenities of land-based ones, seem like a fantasy from science fiction, yet they could become a reality in a matter of...

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 503

Skin diver missing AT 1335 ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1987, Humber Coastguard informed the station honorary secretary at Fiamborough lifeboat station, that a skin diver was missing off Fiamborough Head.

He agreed to an immediate...

The Raft L'Egare II

Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

The Lizard and Falmouth, Cornwall.—• At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 20th of August, 1956, the Lizard coast- guard reported that the raft L'Egare II needed the help of a life-boat about thirty miles south-west of Lizard Head, and that...

The Raft L'Egare II (1)

Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

The Lizard and Falmouth, Cornwall.—• At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 20th of August, 1956, the Lizard coast- guard reported that the raft L'Egare II needed the help of a life-boat about thirty miles south-west of Lizard Head, and that...

Clifford's Improved Method of Lowering Boats at Sea

Date: January 1858

Volume: 04

Issue: 27

IT is now two years since, in conjunction with other plans, we reviewed this novel and ingenious mode of lowering boats, and we then emphatically declared our opinion as to its value, and expressed our hope that it might meet with that...

Category: Articles

Fishing Cobles (2)

Date: May 1913

Volume: 22

Issue: 248

Between 4 and 5 o'clock on the morning of the 3rd December eleven of the fishing cobles belonging to Whitby put off for fishing, but some hours later the sea increased rapidly and commenced to break heavily right across the entrance to...

The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 120

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFB-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

None (1)

Date: Spring 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 516

Search for missing divers The 48ft 6in Solent class lifeboat Hugh William Viscount Gough was launched from Dunbar in the same search for the missing divers as the Eyemouth lifeboat on 6 October 1990 (see previous page), and the efforts of...

The Naming at Cowes of Rnlb Sir Max Aitken Ii

Date: Winter 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 487

ON THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23 STORNOWAY'S NEW 52FT ARUN LIFEBOAT WHEN PRINCESS ALEXANDRA named the new Stornoway lifeboat on Thursday February 23 it was a doubly historic occasion for, almost 30 years before, her mother the Duchess of Kent,...

Category: Inaugurations