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13061 search results for 'royal family'
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Date: February 1871

Volume: 08

Issue: 79

On the 26th September, the barque Empress, of Prince Edward's Island, bound thence from Liverpool with a general cargo, struck on Taylor's Bank, in Liverpool Bay. There was a heavy N.W. wind blowing, and a strong tide running. The...

The S.S. Mosel

Date: November 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 126

LIZARD. — A rocket from the signal station was heard at about 8 A.M. on the 9th August. The Honorary Secretary, the Eev. P. VYVYAN ROBINSON, and the Coxswain of the Life-boat at once proceeded there, and ascertained that a screw steamer had...

The Fish Steamer Fulmar

Date: August 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 221

On the morniag of the 16th February the fish-steamer Fulmar, of Wexford, was observed ashore on the Dogger Bank.

The wind was moderate, but the sea was rough, due to the strong S.S.W.

gale of the previous...

The S.S. Jacinth

Date: November 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 186


Jacinth,* of Dundee, in ballast from Montrose for Sunderland, in making for the south entrance, on the night of the 2nd March, struck on the South Beacon rocks and was badly holed. The...


Date: February 1915

Volume: 22

Issue: 255

At 3.30 P.M.

information was received that a vessel was flying signals of distress, and the crew of the Life-boat Charles Whiiton were assembled and the boat proceeded to sea in a heavy W.N.W. gale. When two miles S. by E....

A Vessel

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

Shortly after 5 A.M. j on the 1st November signals of distress were observed from the Gull Light- vessel, and the Life-boat Charles D.ibdin was launched. A heavy sea was running at the time. When the boat reached the Light-vessel they...

The Life-Boat Service 100 Years Ago. Fourth Annual Report

Date: September 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 295

IT is now four years since the establishment of this Institution ; and the Committee, in making their Fourth Annual Report, beg leave to state, that they have continued to pursue the measures which they have deemed best calculated to effect...

Category: Annual Reports


Date: November 1907

Volume: 20

Issue: 226

The ketch Fanny, of Bideford, stranded on the Leys Reef, off Green Lane Cove, on the even- ing of the 23rd July, during a thick fog. Information reached the Life-boat authorities between 9 and 10 o'clock, and the Life-boat Admiral Sir...

Lena, of Waterford

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

NOVEMBER 16TH. - DUNMORE EAST, CO. WATERFORD. At 3.35 in the afternoon coastwatchers at Brownstown Head saw a boat in difficulties in Tramore Bay and informed the life-boat station. A strong south-south-east wind was blowing, with a very...

Wreck of H.M.S. Anson

Date: October 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 10

THE following narrative of the wreck of H.M.S. Anson will, we doubt not, be read with interest. Certainly, it is not a recent occurrence; but there are incidents in it, as in many others of a similar character, which are deserving of being...

Category: Services