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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Some Ways of Raising Money

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

Cardiff ladies' guild increased their income in 1976 by about 30 per cent.

Of the £5,010 they raised for the lifeboat service last year £1,460 was by way of their annual collection and £1,000 was the...

Category: Donations


Date: November 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 110

DOUGLAS, ISLE or MAN.—On the 16th September, at 1 P.M., a vessel was observed about eight miles off Douglas Head showing signals of distress. The wind *?as blowing a whole gale from the W. at the time. The No. 2 Life-boat, John Turner-...

A Tug

Date: Autumn 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 486

Tug escorted YARMOUTH COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Wells lifeboat station at 1245 on Monday April 11, 1983, that Dockman, a 70ft ex-river tug which had been on passage from London to Newcastle but whose radar and compass...


Date: April 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 360

Weymouth, Dorset.—-At 4.40 in the afternoon of the 30th of November, 1951, the Wyke Regis coastguard telephoned that a fifteen ton auxiliary yacht was flashing SOS signals three miles west of Portland Bill. The sea was rough, with a fresh...


Date: September 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 319

On the afternoon of the 21st May the motor boat May Belle got into difficulties oft Littlestone.

Her engine had broken down, and she began to drift. She was making her first trip with her owner and five other men on board....

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Thursday, llth February, 1937.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir HENRY F.

OLIVER in the chair.

Resolved that the respectful thanks of the Institution be conveyed to Her Majesty the Queen for her...

Category: Committee

From the Director

Date: Autumn 1990

Volume: 52

Issue: 514

Brian Miles, Director of the RNLI, looks back on 1990 - and forward into the new decade and beyond The deadline for the Winter journal brought home to me that another year has elapsed, a year which I believe has been one of continuing and...

Category: Articles

Quick Thinkers:

Date: Autumn 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 494

Quick thinkers: coastguards were able to rescue a man from the sea at Eyemouth thanks to the prompt action of David Clark (10) and his sister Margaret (8). They were on holiday when they saw the man fall from rocks into the sea and raised... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

First Event

Date: Summer 1997

Volume: 55

Issue: 541

Hard working members of the newly reformed Great Dunmow and district branch raised over £1,600 on their very first fundraising event. The above photograph shows flag day officer, Noel Brady and Peggy Kentish doing their bit on the day -... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Stranding of the "Eider."

Date: August 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 165

The " Eider " rode on the open sea With her safety in God's own hand For a thousand miles—-ay, two, and three, With never a sight of land.

A shell of steel on the world of waves That severs the hemispheres,...

Category: Poetry