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22808 search results for 'Brede Class 12'
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Life-Boat Services

Date: January 1858

Volume: 04

Issue: 27

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.—On the 2nd of September a strong gale and heavy sea having sprung up, two large herring-boats, in attempting to get into Berwick Harbour, got to leeward of it, and went on shore. A steam-tug proceeded to their assistance,...

Category: Services

Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Date: September 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 287

To W. J. HANNANT, on his retirement on the closing of the Station, after serving 11 years as Bowman of the Hasborough Life-boat, a Pension.

To CHARLES H. HARVEY, on his retirement on the closing of the Station, after...

Category: Awards

Notes of the Quarter

Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

That the life-boat service is busier every year is now becoming a clearly established fact, and it received further confirmation in the first six months of the present year. In 1965 an all-time record for launches was established, yet there...

Category: Articles

The Dutch Oil Tanker Georgia (1)

Date: February 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 293

AT 8.30, in the evening of 21st November, 1927, the Motor Life-boat at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston was launched in response to a wireless message received from s.s. Trent that help was urgently required to save the lives of the crew of the...

The Steamship Briton

Date: August 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 229

About 10 P.M. on the 15th January, the Coast- guard watchman reported that a steamer was blowing her whistle apparently close to the shore. The weather was thick at the time and nothing could be seen, but on the fog lifting a little a...

George, of Sunderland

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

On the morn- ing of the 17th of November a vessel was seen burning a light as a signal of distress during a strong gale from S.S.E., and in a heavy sea. The Grocers' life-boat, sta- tioned at Mundesley, was at once got ready, and...

Shoreline/Storm Force

Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499

What's in a name? Shoreline. We have all become so used to using the name that it is difficult to stand back to examine whether it really does its job of describing the RNLI's membership scheme. In a recent survey carried out by...

Category: Articles

A Dinghy and Stella

Date: December 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 328

Aldeburgh, Suffolk.—On the afternoon of the 29th July the Sizewell coastguard reported that a cabincruiser, which was being towed by a yawl, had broken adrift half a mile N.E. of the coastguard station, and that it was not certain if anyone...

Local Schoolboys Help Pin on Yellow/Red Mixed Tulip Heads for the Orange Superstructure

Date: Spring 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 480

Local schoolboys help pin on yellow/red mixed tulip heads for the orange superstructure.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Date: Autumn 1997

Volume: 56

Issue: 542

Carry the card that helps save lives at sea No fee in first calendar year* Save up to £60 when you transfer a balance from another card** £5 donation tO RNLI when your account is opened - contribute to RNLI every time you use your...

Category: Advertisement