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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Converted Ship's Life-Boat Joybell

Date: September 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 319

Five men left St.

Helier on the 31st March, in a converted ship's life-boat named Joybell, on a pleasure fishing trip to Les Minquiers.

They did not return when expected and some anxiety was felt. Next...

Help to the Vessels of Foreign Countries.

Date: July 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 4A

The year was notable also for the large number of lives rescued from foreign vessels. In the midst of war the life-boat service has never forgotten its undertaking to rescue all in peril at sea, whatever their nationality. There were...

Category: Articles

Launching Ceremony at Whitby. From "The Whitby Gazette."

Date: September 1919

Volume: 23

Issue: 267

SHORTLY after the commencement of the war, the finely-equipped Red Cross hospital ship Rohilla, belonging to the British India Steam Navigation Co., whilst proceeding on an errand of mercy to France, went ashore at Saltwick Nab, about a mile...

Category: Articles

June (1)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

JUNE MEETING HAROLDSWICK, UNST, SHETLANDS. At 7.40 A.M. on the 15th April, 1940. the subpostmaster at Haroldswick reported to the coastguard that a small ship’s boat, with men on board, had been seen in Haroldswick Bay about a mile from the...

Category: Services

THIS MAYDAY Help raise money for the vital kit our crews rely upon

Date: Spring 2018

Volume: 61

Issue: 623 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2018

When our brave volunteer crews answer the call for help, they don’t know what they’ll be facing. Huge waves, storms, darkness ... They need to be prepared for anything.

Having the right kit can be the difference between...

Category: Articles

The Admiralty Salvage Tug St. Syrus

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

JANUARY 22ND. - THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. At 11.15 A.M. several loud explosions were heard, which proved to be delayed action mines. At the same time the Admiralty salvage tug St. Syrus struck a mine when passing the Boom Gateway, and started...

Treatment of the Apparently Drowned

Date: May 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 124

As it is considered that the cause of Science would be greatly benefited if the results of the Treatment in eases of Apparently Drowned Persons were col- lected for comparison and future consideration, it is requested that Answers to the...

Category: Articles

Forban, of London

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


At 2.15 in the afternoon the coastguard telephoned information, received from the S.S. Thelma, through Land’s End Radio, that a yacht was four miles north of Grassholm, with her...

The Danish Fishing Vessel Jane Harbo

Date: June 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 420

Lerwick, Shetlands - At 3.36 a.m. on 8th January, 1967, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Danish fishing vessel Jane Harbo had requested urgent medical assistance for a member of her crew who had been involved in an...

Henry 'Joyful' West (Second from R) Helps to Carry the Woman Survivor from Lucy Ashore He Was Awarded the Rnli's Thanks on Vellum for His Part In This Rescue

Date: Winter 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 491

Henry 'Joyful' West (second from r) helps to carry the woman survivor from Lucy ashore. He was awarded the RNLI's thanks on vellum for his part in this rescue.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs