JUNE 26TH. - MARGATE, KENT. The engine of the Admiralty motor yacht Jinty had broken down and she was dragging her anchor, but her engine started again just as the life-boat was taking her in tow.- Rewards £12 8s..
Two lifeboats capsize and right A DANISH CARGO VESSEL, Lone Diinia, in distress six miles north west of Skerryvore Lighthouse was reported by HM Coastguard to the honorary secretary of Barra Island lifeboat station at 2355 on Saturday...
DEC. 2ND. - MARGATE, KENT. The motor life-boat The Lord Southborough (Civil Service No. 1) was launched at 11.50 A.M., after a terrific explosion had been seen at sea.A fresh, westerly breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. About two miles...
A LIFE-BOAT, built in Dublin, was stationed at Poolbeg by the Dublin Ballast Board in 1820, four years before the Institution was founded. It was " at the entrance of the River Liffey ; kept on the quay, near a crane." It is known...
Category: Articles
THE winter of 1859-60 will command a mournful distinction in meteorological annals. Other winters may be found, perhaps, of equal severity and duration ; nor would it be difficult, we dare say, to produce examples of springs as backward as...
Category: Articles
THE Wreck Register not having been issued as early as usual by the Board of Trade, we are unable to furnish our readers, in the November number of our Journal, as has been our wont, with a Chart showing the wrecks and shipping casualties...
Category: Articles
THE Wreck Register not having been issued as early as usual by the Board of Trade, we are unable to furnish our readers, in the November number of our Journal, as has been our wont, with a Chart showing the wrecks and shipping casualties...
Category: Articles
ONE of the first Life-boat Stations to be provided with, a Motor Life-boat was Stromness, in the Orkneys. It was in 1903 that a Pulling and Sailing Lifeboat was first converted to motor-power.
This Boat was followed by two...
Category: Inaugurations
Obvertt.—An unlaureated head of George the Fourth; beneath, in minute letters, "W. Wyon, Mint; double legend, " Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck."—" George the Fourth, Patron,...
Category: Medals
Jan. 2.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and 51. to Mr. THOMAS ADAMS, the master of the smack Volunteer, of Harwich. Also the Silver Medal and 21. to each of the 5 men who went off in the smack's boat to the wreck; and the...
Category: Articles