On the 18th-19th of May, 1955, the Wells and Sheringham life-boats be- tween them rescued nine men from the S.S. Zor. For a full account of these services, for which the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Coxswain...
Arranmore, Co. Donegal.—About half past two in the afternoon of the 23rd of October, 1949, information was received that a vessel in ballast was on the rocks off Kincasslagh, and the life-boat K.T.J.S. was launched at 2.45 in a rough sea,...
The s.s. Fawn, of Liverpool, was seen approaching the mouth of the riverClwyd in a strong gale from the W.S.W., squally weather, and a rough sea on the night of the 31st August. It was afterwards Boticed that she was not making any headway,...
SEAHAM, DURHAM.—Towards midnight on the 31st Deo., 1898, signals of distress at sea were observed off this place, and when the New Year broke, the Life-boat SJcynner was on her way to render help to the vessel which had displayed them. The...
Ferryside, Carmarthenshire. — About 8.30 in the evening of the 1st of De- cember, 1948, The Mumbles coastguard telephoned that the s.s. Tungenes, of Stavanger, had reported that she was aground off Llanelly, with her rudder broken, and the...
Tenby, Pembrokeshire.—On the 15th January, 1938, the life-boat rescued eight of the crew of the s.s. Fermanagh.
—Rewards, silver medal, bronze medal, thanks on vellum and money awards amounting to £42 8s....
Torbay, Devon.—At 8.45 on the even- ing of the 10th of February, 1953, local shipping agents telephoned that a man had fallen down the hold of the S.S. Henriette Schulte, of Emden, seriously injuring himself, and asked if the life-boat would...
On the 13th of November, 1959, the Appledore life-boat was launched to the s.s. Gliwice, of Szczecin, Poland.
For this service, a full account of which appears on page 386, Coxswain Sydney Cann was accorded the thanks of...
At about 5.30 P.M. on the 27th September the Coastguard reported that a vessel close to the Runnel Stone rocks was flying signals for medical assistance and for a pilot. The weather was rough and threatening, with an E.S.E. gale blow- ing,...
At 7 A.M.
on the 3rd December, intelligence was treceived that a large vessel was ashore in Druridge Bay. The crew of the Algernon and Eleanor Life-boat were at once called together, horses were sent for, and the Life-boat...