BOOKS FOR A BETTER LIFE " "A Doctor's Proven New Home Cure For Arthritis" More than a million people in the United Kingdom have 'their lives impaired by ; arthritis. Osteopath, Giraud Campbell, has advised hundreds of...
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Sailboard out in force 8 MICHAEL TIGHE, a crew member of Sunderland's 16ft D class inflatable lifeboat, was near the lifeboathouse onthe afternoon of Sunday November 4, 1984, when he was told that a board sailor was in trouble near...
THE remarks contained in the following opportune communication from the Rev. J. Scarth, are deserving of every consideration, notwithstanding that they only repeat the oft-told tale in regard to the dreadful loss of life at...
Category: Articles
When it's 3.00am in the morning, blowing a gale and the crew are WM paged for a shout, they must launch. From the moment they go to F sea, everything possible has been'done to give them the best ecjuiprnent, the best training and the...
Category: Articles
THE hundred and fourteenth annual meeting of the Governors of the In- stitution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, llth May. Over 1,800 people were present.
H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, K.G.,...
Category: Meetings
During the past summer the coasts of England, Scotland and Wales, have been crowded with visitors from all parts of the United Kingdom, in a great measure owing to the pestilential condition of some parts of the Continent. We heard on all...
Category: Articles
at , by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, gt all to whom these Presents shall come Whereas the late SIR WILLIAM HILLARY, Baronet; the late MR. THOMAS WILSON, Member of...
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BARMOUTH.—On the 18th September, at 5 a.m., a small schooner was observed to be on shore on the North Bar, off Barmouth, on the Welsh coast, her crew being lashed in the rigging. The life-boat of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was, as...
Category: Services
The four- masted barque Pindos, of Hamburg, carrying a crew of twenty-eight hands, put into Falmouth for orders when homeward bound from Chili with a cargo of nitrate, and shortly after noon on the 10th February again left that port in tow...
A FORTNIGHT after her Inaugural Cere- mony the new Thurso Motor Life-boat rescued her first lives.
On 28th September last, the 25,000- ton battle-ship H.M.S. Marlboroitgh was at anchor in Thurso Bay. She sent off a cutter...
Category: Services