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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Sodality

Date: Spring 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 358

Walton and Frinton, Essex. — About 6.0 on the evening of the 17th of March, 1951, the Walton-on-the-Naze coast- guard telephoned that the S.S. Sodality, of London, four and a half miles north east of Barrow Deep, had a sick man on board. She...

The S.S. Hilary

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

Holyhead, Anglesey.—At 1.22 in the morning of 9th April, 1939, the coastguard reported that the 7,000-tons s.s.

Hilary, of Liverpool, was ashore at Carmel Head. She was homeward bound from Brazil to Liverpool with general...

The S.S. Brinkburn

Date: November 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 238

The S.S. Brinkburn; of London, with twenty- two men on board, whilst bound from Antwerp to Cardiff in ballast on the 24th February, stranded on the Good- win Sands near the S.E. buoy. The weather at the time was threatening, and the Charles...

The S.S. Binnendijk

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341

Weymouth, Dorset.—At 11.15 P.M.

* * on the 7th October, 1939, the coastguard informed the life-boat station that signals of distress had been seen near Grove Point. A message was received a few minutes later that a ship was...

The S.S. Parkwood

Date: March 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 367

Walton and Frinton, Essex.—At 11.33 on the morning of the 4th of November, 1953, the Walton-on-the-Naze coast- guard rang up to say that the S.S.

Parkwood, of Middlesbrough, with a crew of fifteen, had run ashore on the...

The S.S. Victoria

Date: February 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 131

SKEGNESS, LINCOLNSHIRE.—On the 12th December, at 7.45 A.M., during a fresh gale from the N.W. and a heavy sea, signals of distress were observed flying on board a vessel in the ofling. The Lifeboat Herbert Ingram put off to her, and found...

The S.S. Innisfallen (1)

Date: November 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 218

NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE, and FORMBY, LANCASHIRE.—On the night of the 16th March a vessel was observed on " Taylor's Bank," and in response to a telephone message the steam Life-boat Queen was sent to her assistance. She found...

The S.S. Batjan

Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

The Life-boat Charles Dibdin was launched shortly after midnight on the 2nd-3rd Decem- ber, in answer to a wireless message stating that a steamer was in distress and firing signals for assistance. A strong S.W. gale was blowing at the time,...

The S.S. Helsingor

Date: August 1893

Volume: 15

Issue: 169

HARWICH.—Kockets were fired by the Cork and Sank light-vessels on the morning of the 17th January while snow was falling and the wind was blowing in squalls from the S. accompanied by a moderate sea. The Life-boat Springwell was launched at...

The S.S. Faraday

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941


At 8.10 P.M. the St. Anns Head coastguard telephoned that the S.S. Faraday, of London, had been bombed and was on fire one and a half miles W. of St. Anns, and the motor life-boat...