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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Crestville (1)

Date: September 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 377

Port Erin, and Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.—About 5.35 on the afternoon of the 27th of May, 1956, a man informed the coxswain that he had seen from Cradder Head a steamer aground on the Calf of Man. At 5.55 the life-boat Matthew Simpson was...

The S.S. M.J Hedly

Date: August 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 217

On the night of the 13th January the s.s. M. J.

Hedley, of Penzance, collided with the mail steamer Connaught, and was so badly damaged that her crew were compelled to desert her. A message reaching Holyhead, the steam Life...

The S.S. Amiral Aube

Date: November 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 194


—A message was received at Walton-onthe- Naze by telephone from the Gunfleet Lighthouse, on the morning of the 14th January, stating that a steamer was flying signals of distress 2J miles S,E...

S.S. Celerity

Date: August 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 201

CROMER, NORFOLK.—A message by telephone having been received from Mundesley stating that the services of the Life-boat were required, on the 17th February, the Life-boat Benjamin Bond Cabbell was launched at 9 P.M. and found the s.s....

The S.S. Eika II

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

At 10.20A.M. on the 10th September ! a violent explosion was heard on board I a steamer in the vicinity of the Cross j Sand, and as it was thought that the ! vessel had been mined the No. 1 Life- ! boat Marie Lane was dispatched to her j...

The S.S.. Hilda

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

AUG. 2 9TH. - ANSTRUTHER, FIFESHIRE. At 3.10 A.M . the coastguard reported a vessel ashore on May Island. The weather was very thick, with a light easterly breeze and a smooth sea. The motor life.

boat Nellie and Charlie...

The S.S. Burrington Combe

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943


At 6 A.M. a telephone message was received from the coastguard at Bangor asking for the life-boat to go to a vessel in distress off Portpatrick on the coast of...

The S.S. Hamilton

Date: June 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 322

On the 27th Feb- ruary the s.s. Hamilton, of Stranraer, bound light from Port William to Maryport, was overtaken by bad weather, and dropped anchor in Port Yerrick bay. A whole southerly gale was blowing, with rain and snow, and a very heavy...

The S.S. Brighton

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

The s.s. Brighton, of Newcastle, whilst bound from the North for Calais "on the llth June, stranded on Deal Bank. The vessel was observed from the shore, and the Reserve Life-boat, which is at present stationed at Deal, was launched...

The S.S. Newhall Hills

Date: October 1947

Volume: 32

Issue: 343

TANKER ON FIRE Ramsgate, Kent.—At 7.27 in the morning of the 24th of May, 1947, the coastguard telephoned a message from the S.S. Newhall Hills, of San Francisco, that she was on fire to the southward of South Falls Buoy, the result of an ex...