By Captain STENISBERG, Secretary of the Svenska Sillskapet For Kaidning Af Skeppsbrutne.
[This article, on the Swedish organiza- tion or rescuing life from shipwreck, which Captain Isberg has very kindly written for THE...
Category: Articles
Thursday, 8th January, 1914.
Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, G.B., C.M.G., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read the minutes of the Building, Finance...
Category: Committee
THE "Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce," com- monly known as the " Society of Arts," as most of our readers will be aware, offers from time to time its Gold Medal to be competed for by...
Category: Articles
1964 WAS a record year with more launches by rescue craft of the R.N.L.I. than ever before. In 1965 a similar pattern seems to be developing. In two of the three months covered by this edition of THE LIFE-BOAT records were again established....
Category: Articles
[WE resume our Reports, which bad been unavoidably postponed, of the Services of the Life-boats of the Institution.] TENET, :SOUTH WALES.—On the 27th October, 1867, during a strong gale of wind, the Florence life-boat put off, in reply to...
Category: Services
TYRELLA, DUNDRUM BAT, IRELAND.— During a whole gale of wind from S.S.E., on the 6th December, 1865, a schooner was seen endeavouring to beat out of Dundrum Bay. Owing to the heavy gale and the tremendous sea running, she failed in doing so,...
Category: Services
Time of Date Launching Station 1958 Jan.
tt ,, ;J ); t J; )} ,, 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 17.00 12.05 10.50 11.10 11.35 12.35 13.15 14.35 03.00 17.55 08.55 Bridlington . .
Rosslare Harbour Clovelly Filey...
Category: Services
As was indicated in the important article contributed by my friend, Mr. de Booy, in the February, 1921, issue of this journal, the beneficent influence of Sir William Hillary's noble initiative in the foundation of the ROYAL NATIONAL...
Category: Articles
Launches 103. Lives rescued 130.
November Meeting.
Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—On the evening of the 1st October a message was received from Horse Sand Fort that a vessel was stranded about two...
Category: Services
1st July. The oil-tanker Pan Aruba, of Oslo, Norway, had anchored with engine trouble, but she did not need help.—Rewards, £19 6s..