Two Wrecks in the Shetlands.
Stromness Motor Life-boat's Journeys of 260 and 240 Miles.
DURING March and April two vessels were wrecked on the Shetland Islands.
They were both vessels...
The following is a list of the services of the boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION during the recent heavy gales:— - ' NO. of Lives saved.
Nov. 16-17,1867.—The Manky Wood life-boat at Poole rescued the crew of...
Category: Services
Thursday, 14th September, 1899.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.
Also read those of the Building, Finance and...
Category: Committee
The Filey IRB crew—an IRB station was established there in 1966—consists of a bank manager, a cafe proprietor and a joiner. When this photograph as taken the IRB and the local life-boat had returned from the successful rescue of two youths... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Thursday, 17th Aug., 1854. A Special Meeting of the General Committee was held this day. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President, in the Chair.
Confirmed the Minutes of the previous...
Category: Committee
JOHNSHAVEN, KINCARDINESHIRE.—The wind and sea having increased while some fishing-boats belonging to Gourdon were at sea on the 31st Jan., 1895, it was dangerous for them to attempt to return to their harbour. They were therefore warned off,...
Category: Services
A Year of Conspicuous Services.
THE storms in the latter part of 1927 have supplied the answer, if any were needed, to the question which is sometimes asked whether the gradual replacement of the sailing ship by steam and...
Category: Annual Reports
THE variations in the readings of the barometer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, are shown in the annexed diagram, including 46 days, ending the 30th of November, daring which period...
Category: Articles
Thursday, 2nd April, 1914.
The rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., was unanimously elected Chairman, and Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., V.P., Deputy Chairman, of the Committee of Management of the Institution...
Category: Committee
Surf And Turf A fundraising evening organised by the Campbeltown ladies lifeboat guild was a great success thanks to a fashion show of Douglas Gill's sailing and outdoor clothes and a fascinating talk from Tony Lambert, horticulturist...
Category: Articles