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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S Jersey Queen

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940


At 7.15 P.M the coastguard at St. Anthony reported that distress signals had been seen about two and a half miles off the Point. A moderate S.W. breeze was blowing, with a very rough sea....

The S.S. Co-Operator

Date: June 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 314

At 8 A.M. on the 17th December, 1932, the s.s. Co- operator, of Fenit, while bound, with a crew of three, from Tralee Canal to Fenit, encountered a strong S.W. gale with a rough sea. She could not make headway, and dropped anchor, but it did...

The S.S. Argos Hill

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341

Clovelly, Devonshire.—On the 24th October, 1939, at 3.45 A.M. a message was received from the Croyde Coastguard station that a vessel was in distress fifteen miles S.W. of Lundy Island.

A strong W.N.W. wind was blowing,...

The S.S. Generton

Date: Autumn 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 356

Margate, Kent.—The S.S. Generton, of Newcastle, a vessel of nearly 5,000 tons bound from South Africa to London was ashore -on the Girdler Sands, twelve miles to the north-west of Margate. Tugs had tried several times to refloat her, but by...

The S.S. Hansa

Date: October 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 327

Boulmer, Northumberland. — Early on the morning of the 20th March the lights of a vessel were seen through the haze to the S.E. of Boulmer. Shortly afterwards she struck the rocks at Boulmer Steel, and made signals of distress. A freshening...

The S.S. Empire Dolphin

Date: June 1947

Volume: 32

Issue: 342

St. David's, and Fishguard, Pembroke' shire.—At about 2.30 in the afternoon of February 21st, 1947, the coastguard reported that the S.S. Empire Dolphin, of Glasgow, a tanker of 7,000 tons, with six men on board, was drifting out of...

The S.S. Avon

Date: November 1900

Volume: 17

Issue: 198

RHOSCOLYN, ANGLESEY.—A very thick fog prevailed here on the night of the 15th June, and at about 5.30 on the following morning the coxswain of the Life-boat, who had been watching during the night, heard voices close to the signal and...

The S.S. Langdon (3)

Date: February 1898

Volume: 17

Issue: 187

NORTH DEAL, KINGSDOWNE, BROADSTAIRS and RAMSGATE.—On the 8th April the s.s. Langdon, of London, bound fromBlyth for Dartmouth, with a cargo of coal, stranded on the North Goodwin Sands, in a dangerous position, during a dense fog, at about 4...

The S.S. Sojourner

Date: June 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 310

At 8.20 A.M. on 30th January a message was received from the Coastguard Station that the East Goodwin Light Vessel had reported a steamer ashore to the N.W. of the Light Vessel. The Motor Life-boat Prudential put out and found the vessel to...

The S.S. Firethorn

Date: June 1947

Volume: 32

Issue: 342

STEAMER ABANDONED IN HEAVY SEA Barrow, Lancashire.—At 10.35 on the night of January llth, 1947, informa- tion was received, through the Hoylake coastguard, from the Morecambe Bay Light-vessel, that a vessel was in distress, and the motor...