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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Ring

Date: March 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 313

On the 26th November the s.s. Ring, of Gothen- burg, with a crew of nineteen, bound from Runcorn to Sweden with a cargo of salt, was caught in a moderate S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea and rain, driven off her course, and forced to seek...

The S.S. Moveria

Date: September 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 362

Baltimore, Co. Cork.—At 1.5 in the morning of the llth of May, 1952, the S.S. Moveria, of Glasgow, wirelessed that she had broken down nineteen miles south-west of Mizen Head and needed tugs to take her to harbour.


The S.S. Northumbria

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

The s.s. North- umbria, of London, broke down when in the vicinity of Withernsea on the 2nd November, and in response to a message reporting that a vessel was in distress the Hornsea Life-boat Helen and Mar- garet was launched. When the Life...

The S.S. Cape Clear

Date: June 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 368

Southend-on-Sea, Essex.—At 6.26 on the morning of the 7th of March, 1954, the coastguard reported a vessel ashore on the Middle Shoebury Sands, but there were no distress signals. The weather deteriorated during the morn- ing, and at 10.12...

The S.S. Ardgantock (1)

Date: June 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 368

Yarmouth, and Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 7.1 on the morning of the 13th of February, 1954, the S.S.

Ardgantock, of Greenock, wirelessed that she was listing badly and was in danger of foundering twelve miles west-by-...

The S.S. Baron Ramsey

Date: June 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 380

Ramsey, Isle of Man.—At eleven o'clock on the morning of the 28th of January, 1957, a message was received from the owners of the S.S. Baron Ramsey, of Ardrossan, that she was lying in Ramsey Bay and had run short of stores because of...

The S.S. Arthur Capel

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

The s.s. Arthur Capel, of Rouen, whilst bound from Rouen to Cardiff, on the 5th August, stranded on the rocks about two-and- a-half miles west of the Manacles. The Life-boat Constance Melaine proceeded to the vessel, and the Honorary...

The S.S. Sandenburgh

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

JANUARY 28TH. - HARTLEPOOL, DURHAM. At 8.20 A.M. information was received from the coastguard that a vessel was aground at Seaton Carew. A moderate E.S.E. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea, but the vessel did not appear to be in any...

The S.S. Andalusia

Date: November 1888

Volume: 13

Issue: 150

HARTLEPOOL.—On the night of the 13th March, 1888, during a S.E. wind, sleet showers, and a very high sea, the s.s.

Andalusia, of Scarborough, ran ashore on Middleton beach. A steam-tag went to her assistance, but, owing to...

The S.S. Vulcan

Date: November 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 234

At 9. A.M. on the 25th March during a strong W.

gale, with very heavy sea, a vessel was observed in difficulties about two miles from the middle Hasborough Sands, and soon after she was blown within half a mile of the sands...