THE portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Walter Jonas Oxley of Walton and Frinton, who has been coxswain since the beginning of 1947. Before that he served as bowman for nearly four years and as second coxswain for more than ten years. While...
Category: Articles
Aldeburgh, Suffolk. At 9.43 on the morning of the 8th of October, 1957, Trinity House Depot at Harwich asked if the life-boat would bring ashore the sick master of the Shipwash lightvessel, who needed medical treatment urgently.
Beaumaris, Anglesey.—At 12.10 on the afternoon of the 16th of August, 1955, the life-boat coxswain noticed that a yacht needed help two miles south-east of Beaumaris. At 12.30 the life-boat Field Marshal and Mrs. Smuts was launched. The sea...
confer the decoration of the Albert Medal of the second class on Sub-lieutenant LIONEL ANDROS DE SAUSMAREZ, R.N., of Her Ma- jesty's ship Myrmidon. The following is an account of the services in respect of which the decoration has been...
Category: Articles
Ramsgate, Kent.—About 3.30 in the afternoon, on the 17th of December, 1949, the coastguard reported a fishing vessel aground on the Quern Shoal Brake Sands, and at 3.36 the life-boat Prudential was launched. A gale wasblowing from the...
A mild wind, or a wild wind, a sky of blue or black, The boat must go and we must row to the rocky bar and back— To the rooky bar and back, boys, where the breakers boom and roar; But...
Category: Songs
Braced For Action: Lt Alan Tate Strapped In and Ready For The Next Wave. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Ramsgate, Kent. — During the after- noon of the 6th of June, 1949, the honorary secretary had under observa- tion a sailing yawl cruising near the Brake Sands. In the evening she arrived off Ramsgate Harbour, but was carried eastwards with...
On 9th July, 1968, the Torbay life-boat Princess Alexandra of Kent, using radar, found a stranded ferry in dense fog and took off and landed 126 passengers and a dog in one go.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs