Margate, Kent.—At about noon on the 28th of January, 1948, local boat- men reported that the shrimping boat.
Sonia, with a crew of three, was two hours overdue. She had put out at three in the morning and was...
Regarding the photograph on page 11 of the Spring 2002 issue of the Lifeboat, showing the crew of the Charles Biggs lifeboat, there are two errors in the caption. They are the crew of the Lytham lifeboat: the St Annes boat Laura Jane was... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
IT is FITTING that an article on the lifeboats of the world should begin by acknowledging the fact that Great Britain was the cradle of the lifeboat and that from the early efforts of the 'National Institution for the Preservation of...
Category: Articles
THIS article appeared in The Field on 8th April and is reproduced by permission of The Field'?, editor. We consider it a most helpful, informative and balanced article, although the comment about the attitude of crews towards...
Category: Articles
Our coastlines may appear as fi rm lines on a map but they are constantly changing. A European Commission report in 2004 stated that over 17% of the UK and nearly 20% of the RoI coastline is eroding, challenging the very existence of some...
Category: Articles
The large volume of the superstructure of the Mersey class, pictured nght. cannoi be pushed any further into the water by the fixed weigh) ol the boat Although completely upside down as [he strops are released it is deaf that the boat is... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Falmouth, Cornwall.—At 9.30 on the night of the 14th of August, 1955, the police reported that a woman and her two sons, who were on holiday in Falmouth, had put off in the local sailing boat Olive the morning before for a trip in Falmouth...
During a whole N.E. gale and very heavy sea on the 26th March the Coastguard reported at 6.45 A.M. that the Corton Light-vessel was firing signals of distress. The crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Mark Lane were assembled, and the Life-boat, in...