Miss Alice Marshall, of Oxford ; Major H. E. Burton, O.B.E., R.E., of Tynemouth.
THE Committee of Management at their meeting last June elected Miss Alice Marshall, the retiring Honorary Secretary of its Oxford Branch, a...
Category: Awards
From THE LIFEBOAT of March 1963 The disaster at Seaham Harbour in which 5 members of the life-boat crew and 4 people who had been taken off a fishing boat by the life-boat all lost their lives, shocked and distressed the nation.
Category: Articles
ONE cannot help being struck by the fact that some Station Branches find it comparatively easy to raise a substantial sum annually for the support of the Branch, while other places, with perhaps a much larger and wealthier population, are...
Category: Articles
(Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.) ITS WORK.
The Institution is constantly occupied in building, equipping and maintaining Life-boats, transporting carriages, boathouses and slipways, wherever required on the...
Category: Articles
(Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.) ITS OBJECT AND WORK.
The work of the Institution mainly consists of— 1. Building, equipping and maintaining Life-boats, transporting carriages, boathouses and slipways,...
Category: Articles
During the morning, while several fishing boats were out, a strong wind sprang up, and by 12.30 in the afternoon it was blowing a gale from the north, with squalls, a rough sea, and...
A Suggestion to Stations.
WE should like to call the attention of Station Branches to an arrangement which has recently been made at Blyth, Northumberland. There are two Honorary Secretaries at this Station, but in order...
Category: Articles
Arklow, and Wicklow, Co. Wicklow.— At 6.15 on the morning of the 10th of October, 1953, the Valentia Radio Station told the Arklow life-boat station that the French trawlers Petite Micheline and Vers le Destin had wirelessed that they had...
Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford. At 2.50 on the morning of the 25th of May, 1958, the managing director of the owners of the S.S. City of Amsterdam, of Dublin, informed the honorary secretary that her master had collapsed on the bridge of...
The Maud Smith Bequest Award for the bravest act of lifesaving by a member of a lifeboat crew in 1974 has been awarded to Coxswain Tom Richard 'Ben' Tart of Dungeness. On February 11 the Dungeness lifeboat under Coxwain Tart's...
Category: Awards