IT is now thirteen years ago that the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, called previously to that time the " NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE FROM SHIPWRECK," seriously undertook and commenced the national work of...
Category: Articles
As was indicated in the important article contributed by my friend, Mr. de Booy, in the February, 1921, issue of this journal, the beneficent influence of Sir William Hillary's noble initiative in the foundation of the ROYAL NATIONAL...
Category: Articles
" SHIPBUILDING—From Smack to Frigate, from Cutter to Destroyer." Published on behalf of J. Samuel White & Co., Ltd., Cowes, by the Albion Publishing Co., London.
This book describes the activities of the firm...
Category: Articles
AEROPLANE CRASHED Lerwick, Shetlands—At 12.9 in the morning of January 3rd, 1947, an aero- plane could be heard flying round the town, and it dropped red flares. A strong southerly breeze was blowing, causing a rough sea, and as it appeared...
FRENCH TRAWLER AIDED St. Mary's, Scilly Islands. A doctor rang the coxswain at 10 p.m. on 6th October, 1963, stating that he had heard from the Penzance Port Medical Authority that a French trawler, Ketty et Michou, was steaming at full...
Dr Peter Davy of Hastings, who was awarded a silver medal for his service to injured seamen aboard the Argentinian warship Candida de Lasala on December 23, 1974, has been presented with a gold medal by the Argentinian Navy. He was also...
Category: Articles
Lengthy search but no survivors It is an unfortunate fact that some lifeboat services do not result in the rescue of survivors, a result which inevitably has an effect on the lifeboat crews but which does not affect their dedication to the...
Arklow, and Wicklow, Co. Wicklow.— At 6.15 on the morning of the 10th of October, 1953, the Valentia Radio Station told the Arklow life-boat station that the French trawlers Petite Micheline and Vers le Destin had wirelessed that they had...
COASTER REFLOATED Cullercoats, Northumberland. At 2.35 a.m. on nth February, 1964, the coastguard informed the coxswain that a coaster appeared to be in a dangerous position to the south of the harbour. The coxswain investigated and found...
James Dougal has been assistant second coxswain/ assistant mechanic of Eyemouth lifeboat since 1991. He joined the crew in 1972 and served as assistant mechanic from 1982 until taking up his present position.
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