was a floating palace filled with high society and high hopes.
Setting sail from Southampton to New York, she carried the cream of Edwardian society js well as hundreds who sought a better life in America. It was her maiden...
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THE " First Report" of this Royal Commission shows clearly the necessity for its appointment, for it contains authoritative evidence of an alarming waste of both life and property in the greatest source of the country's wealth...
Category: Articles
Part of a lifeguard’s role is to prevent accidents before they happen by giving safety advice – usually on the beach, but sometimes in the heart of the city …
'Help, help,’ shouts an 11-year-old girl to her friend....
Category: Articles
AT a final meeting of the committee and representatives of the subscribers to the Mayor of Swansea's 1947 Mumbles Life-boat Disaster Fund, which was held at the Guildhall, Swansea, on the 4th of June, a scheme was approved for the...
Category: Accounts
DECEMBER 7TH. - SHOREHAM HARBOUR, SUSSEX. At 1 A.M. the coast-guard reported a message from the coastwatching post at Goring that it had seen red flares at sea about a mile away. A fresh S.W. wind was blowing, with a moderate...
At the blast of Royal National Life-boat Institution whistles, teams of women and schoolgirls drawn from around Bournemouth and Poole began furiously knitting blanket squares at sponsored knitins held simultaneously at Beales of Poole and... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
CORK. At 8.55 in the morning a message came that four fishing boats in the harbour were in danger of being swamped. A northnorth- east gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. The motor...
CENTURY Life-boat Day was held on 20th May, in nearly eighty of the main boroughs and urban districts of Greater London, and the Institution had the generous help of both the Duke and Louise, Duchess of Argyll, Patron of the Ladies' Life...
Category: Articles
Pat Dewhurst, honorary secretary of Penwortham fund raising branch was asked to give this account of what lies behind the £4,OOU they bring in for the RNLI each year at a recent regional conference Readers who spend time on similar...
Category: Donations
THE Maud Smith award for the bravest act, of life-saving in 1953 has been won by Coxswain HughNelson,ofDonagha- dee, County Down. The award has been made for the service to the Princess Victoria on the 31st of Jan- uary, 1953, when the...
Category: Awards