Captain Barton Holmes, a retired US master mariner living in Stolen Island, New York, is a good friend to Aberdeen lifeboat station. In each of the past eight or nine years he has made a model ship and donated it to the branch. His latest... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Musical support In November, the Forth Dimension Musical Society put on five performances of Fiddler on the Roof at South Queensferry High School in Lothian - helping to raise £180 for Queensferry lifeboat. The society put on a... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Starting in March 1942 the Austin Motor Company gave the Institution during the war one shilling for each horse power of every engine which it built for ships' life-boats. These gifts made a total of £1,123. The company also held a...
Category: Articles
JANUARY 7TH. - WALMER, KENT. At 12.45 P.M. a message was received from the Deal coastguard that a Steamer was ashore at Kingsdown. There was dense fog, a light S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 12.55 P.M. the motor lifeboat...
In the year 1854 the various Acts of Parliament relating to Merchant Ship- ping and Navigation which, from time to time from the reign of Queen Elizabeth, had been enacted, were, for the most part, repealed and consolidated in a new Act...
Category: Articles
The Calendar.
THE Institution is again issuing a life- boat calendar and a Christmas card.
The calendar will have on it a reproduction in colours of a picture by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I., of the rescue by...
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THE following Regulations are intended for the guidance of the Local Committee to be formed at each place at which a life-boat is stationed by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, an j to whose care and control the life-boat, her crew, and...
Category: Articles
A NOTIFICATION appeared in the Gazette of the 13th March last, stating that the Queen had been pleased, by warrant under the royal sign-manual, to institute a new decoration, to be styled the Albert Medal, to be awarded in cases where it...
Category: Articles
DORNOCH FIRTH, SUTHERLANDSHIRE.— In January, 1886, the Local Residents made application to the Institution to form a Life-boat establishment on the shores of Dornoch Firth, a shipwreck having oc- curred there in the previous month, and...
Category: Articles
The proprietor of Highfields Hotel, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, recently received a substantial contribution in his life-boat collecting-box from a German visitor.
The German explained that he had been a U-boat commander in the last...
Category: Donations