During the same fierce gale, on 9th July, the Life-boat at Totland Bay was called out. Shortly after midnight the Brooke Station reported that its Boat was being launched, and at 1.35 another message was received that a vessel three or four...
WHEN, ON MARCH 27, HRH The Duke of Kent attended the first meeting of the Committee of Management to be held in the RNLI's new London premises, it was the first time that a President of the Institution had addressed such a...
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Wordage: £5.50 per single column centimetre (minimum charge £16.50. NB: The minimum of 3cm takes about 45 words at 15 words per cm). With illustration: £12 per single column centimetre (minimum charge...
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Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. — On the night of the 10th February members of the Civic Guard from Waterford brought news that the s.s.
Baron Graham, of Ardrossan, was in distress about eight miles off the Waterford coast. A...
THIS year has been one of exceptional interest with regard to the development of Marine Motors, and it will be satis- factory to the supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to know that the subject of placing motors in...
Category: Articles
When one MUST lead For the tough, tricky work of inshore rescue only the best in performance and the utmost in reliability are good enough.
That is why the Volvo Penta Aquamatic petrol and diesel engines fitted to the...
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BECAUSE of the large demand for the new life-boat ties, which were described in the September number of the Life- boat on page 279, it has been possibleto place a substantial order for future supplies with consequent reductions in price.... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Maud Smith Bequest Award for the outstanding act of lifesaving during 1983 has been made to Crew Member Arthur Hill of Largs, who was awarded the silver medal for the rescue on July 24 of a young girl trapped in a small airpocket under...
Category: Awards
SPEAKING AT the annual general meeting of the RNLI last April, Major-General Ralph Farrant, Chairman of the Committee of Management, made it quite clear that, whatever economies might be necessary in these days of inflation, the first...
Category: Articles
MEVASISSBT, OOBHWAM,.—On the 1st September the smaek Bacchus, of Nantes, which had been towed from Buthleven to Charlestown in ballast, and had anchored in Oharlestown Bay, was in great danger owing to the heavy gale which had sprung up from...