The format of the classified section will change in the spring 1985 issue to a four column page. Each advertisement wilt be in a box rule and the cost per single column centimetre will be £11. The minimum size of an advertisement will...
Category: Advertisement
TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND LAUNCHES—an average of 1,000 a year and the lives of nearly 11,000 men, women and children saved. This is the proud record of the 16ft (4.88m) D class inflatable lifeboat, preparing to celebrate her silver jubilee in...
Category: Articles
• In Rescue Call (Kaye & Ward, 2is.) Angus Mac Vicar has written an admirable brief history of the life-boat service. It is extremely readable and a great deal of information has been packed into no more than 128 pages. Many of the...
Category: Articles
THE total number of launches by life- boats on service in 1960 was 714, the lives of 367 people being saved thereby.
The number of launches was appre- ciably less than in 1959, which had been a truly remarkable year, with a...
Category: Articles
IF we could always have OUR own way in this world, we would doubtless make all work easy, all work pleasant, all work safe; we would fain do good to others, not only without risk of injury to our- selves, "but even without serious...
Category: Articles
THE Institution's decision to acquire a 44-foot life-boat of the kind now operated by the United States Coast Guard was a direct consequence of the international life-boat conference held in Edinburgh in June, 1963. At the conference the...
Category: Articles
ADDITIONAL OFFER To clean Upholstery & Car Seats, in fact any small area, we introduce the Revolution hand held cleaner. Comes with special upholstery shampoo and would normally cost £9.95 but order with the Revolution carpet...
Category: Advertisement
AT a luncheon of the Rotary Club at Deptford in July last an address was given by the District Organizing Secre- tary for Greater London. In the course of the address he referred to the fact that the engines used in Life-boats wereof the...
Category: Articles
THE Institution has received a personal letter from the Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz, Ph.D., ex- pressing the hope that the Jews of Great Britain will respond generously to the appeal of the life-boat service.
Category: Correspondence
Scarborough, Yorkshire - At 4.55 a.m. on i4th August, 1966, attention wasdrawn to the fact that three fishing cobles were at sea in rapidly deteriorating weather. At 5.5 the life-boat J. G. Graves of Sheffield was launched in a strong...