LOBSTER YAWL ESCORTED IN Longhope, Orkneys. At 3.15 on the afternoon of the 7th December, 1962, the honorary secretary received a message from the bowman of the lifeboat that the local lobster yawl Lion was having difficulty in reaching port...
New Brighton, Cheshire. At 10.20 on the night of the 23rd of April, 1959, a stageman told the honorary secretary that a converted ship's boat was adrift off New Brighton with two young men and two girls on board. At 10.32 the life-boat...
St. David's, Pembrokeshire. At 1.20 on the afternoon of the 4th April, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a fire had been observed on Ramsey Island. The honorary secre- tary took no immediate action because in the...
PATIENT TRANSFERRED Kilmore, Co. Wexford. At 9.10 a.m.
on 14th October, 1964, the Irish Lights Office requested the use of the life-boat to transfer a sick man from the Barrels lightvessel. The sea was smooth and it was two...
AT a Life-boat demonstration, held at Southampton on Monday, the 3rd August, a loyal message was sent to the King, and the following acknowledg- ment was promptly received : " I am commanded by the King to thank you for your telegram,...
Category: Correspondence