On the 6th February, about half-past four in the morning, one of the pilots at the harbour reported that a vessel was ashore on the north side of the bar and required assistance. The crew of the Life-boat were promptly summoned, and in...
Caister, Norfolk.—At 10.30 on the morning of the 2nd of April, 1956, the local Superintendent of Trinity House rang up to say that a man on the Cross Sand lightvessel had been badly injured. He asked if the life-boat would take him ashore,...
Howth, Co. Dublin. At 5.20 on the afternoon of the 1st of August, 1958, the honorary secretary was informed that the sailing boat Dolphin had cap- sized near the Bailey lighthouse. At 5.25 the life-boat R.P.L. put out in smooth sea. There...
Humber, Yorkshire. At 9.10 on the morning of the 24th of November, 1958, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent of a request from the Superintendent of Trinity House, Great Yarmouth, for the life-boat to land the master of the...
On the morning of the 2nd November the coastguard tele- phoned that a seaplane was down on the sea, and apparently in difficulties, one mile east of North Foreland. A moderate N.W. breeze was blowing, but the sea was smooth. The motor...
The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of a 34 feet by 7* feet self-righting boat. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view, the shaded part showing that devoted to the air-cases, which give extra buoyancy...
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