A CALAMITY like that of the wreck of the steam-ship London is one of those grievous and tragic events with which, in these stormswept islands, the imagination of the public is only too familiar; yet which, out of the depths of misfortune and...
Category: Articles
A stunning collection of glass plate negatives brings the RNLI’s lifesaving history into a new light
The RNLI’s Heritage Team are always on the look-out for artefacts and materials that document the lifesaving work of the...
Category: Articles
The oak of the RNLI grew from the acorn of Sir William Hillary's famous Appeal to the British Nation in 1823.
In the nature of nineteenth century writings the Appeal is too fulsome to reproduce in its entirety. Extracts...
Category: Articles
THE summer of 1959 has been officially described by the Meteorological Office as the driest since accurate records of rainfall began to be kept more than two hundred years ago, yet it was also the busiest summer the life-boat service has...
Category: Articles
MIGHTY waves! see how they're raging! How the heavens are rent in twain! Hear the shrieks from yonder vessel! Think you, are the cries in vain ? Launch the Lite-boat! Launch the Life-boat! Echo cries, There's none at hand ! Naught to...
Category: Poetry
The boats of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains and under the general superintendence of local honorary committees...
Category: Articles
THE LOSS of Penlee lifeboat and her crew stunned people throughout Great Britain and Ireland and thousands of messages of sympathy from many parts of the world were received by the bereaved families. Before she was lost, the lifeboat Solomon...
Category: Articles
THE British and Norwegian crews of the whaling ships Southern Em- press and Southern Princess, on their return from their whaling season in the Antarctic, sent the Institution £51 2s. 3d..
Category: Donations