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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Fishwives of Cullercoats

Date: September 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 315

THE fishwives of Cullercoats, North- umberland, carried out their twelfth annual collection on behalf of the Institution, on 5th August, when the Cullercoats life-boat had its quarterly road exercise and launch. The col- lection was again a...

Category: Articles

The Half-Pence Scheme

Date: Spring 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 444

The half-pence scheme My grandad and nan have been saving half-pennies for the lifeboat service for 28 years. Of course they receive a receipt for what they hand in but my brother Paul and I feel sure they would love to see a few words of...

Category: Correspondence

The Screw Steamer Akaba

Date: February 1889

Volume: 14

Issue: 151

Early in the morning of the 10th November, the crew of a fishing lugger arrived at Gorleston, and reported that they had seen flares and rockets about the lower part of Winterton Eidge. A gale from the S.E. by E. was blowing at the time, and...

The Screw Collier Ludworth

Date: February 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 123

HASBOROUGH, NORFOLK.—On Sunday, the 2nd October, shortly before 5 o'clock in the morning, the screw collier Ludworth, of London, bound from Hartlepool to London, having sprung a leak, ran aground on Hasborough beach during a fresh gale...

The Coningbeg Lightvessel

Date: June 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 412

Kilmore, Co. Wexford. At 10 a.m.

on 26th January, 1965, the Irish Lights Office asked the honorary secretary for the use of the life-boat to convey a sick man from the Coningbeg Lightvessel to the mainland. The life-boat...

The Motor Boat

Date: July 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 350

Broughty Ferry, Angus.—At four o'clock in the afternoon of the 10th of April, 1949, the Carnoustie coastguard telephoned that a small motor boat, with two on board, was alongside the North Carr Lightvessel. She had sprung a leak. The...

The Seaham Disaster

Date: March 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 403

At 3.55 on the afternoon of 17th November, 1962, the honorary secretary of the Seaham life-boat station, Captain R. Hudson, was informed by the coast- guard that, according to a report from a local fisherman, a small boat was still out and...

Category: Articles

Taking the Strain!

Date: Spring 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 504

Taking the strain! With the help of the local Brownie pack Mr John Hunt, a senior railwayman at Lingfield, has raised over £1,500 for the RNLI during the past three years by supplying refreshments at the station, mainly on race days at... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Portrait on the Cover

Date: July 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 346

Tim portrait on the -cover is of Coxswain Leonard Peddlesden, of Newhaven, Sussex, who retired in January after serving for fifteen years as an officer of the life-boat. He had been coxswain for nearly six years. He won the silver medal for...

Category: Articles

Task of the Vikings

Date: Summer 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 553

W ith one of the world's loveliest, albeit most rugged, coastlines - some 2,650km in length and encompassing waters ranging in potential dan yr from the relatively benign Skagerrak. via the remoteness of the cod banks off the Lofotens....

Category: Articles