A great example of how a picture can paint a thousand words - Sheringham lifeboatmen share a cup of tea with the rescued crew of the Canadian steamer faglesdiffe Hall. - View image in PDF
Photo; Nfws Chronicle. 30 October 1941. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Oil Drilling Rig Sea Quest Costing £3]M Before She Left The Belfast Shipyard That Built Her Boats Can Be Seen On Davits at Deck Level. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
To overcome the problem of lifesaving in shallow coastal waters, Germany's lifeboat Arwed Emminghaus can launch a smaller daughter boat from her after deck.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Statistics show that more than half the RNLI's lifeboat launches are to pleasure craft. The situation is one which the pleasure boating fraternity is aware of, and which the sport's national body is making every effort to remedy.<...
Category: Articles
During the afternoon of the 28th July the Sandgate coast- guard telephoned that a yacht with engine trouble was dragging her anchors off Cock Point, near Folkestone. A strong S.W. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea. The motor life-boat...
Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—On the morning of the 19th September the Davaar lightkeeper reported that a dinghy with two men on board, belonging to the motor yacht Myrtle, was missing. The Myrtle was on a pleasure trip hunting basking sharks....
BembridgB, Isle of Wight—At 2.29 on the afternoon of the 25th of May, 195.7, 'the Foreland- coastguard tele- phoned that ; the > yacht Janis, of Bosham, was making little headway a mile and a half south-west of Ventnor pier but was...
Selsey, Sussex.—At 4.45 on the night of the 27th of July, 1957, the coast- guard telephoned that the yacht Dreamer II, of Bosham, needed help six and a half miles south of Selsey.
At 11.58 the life-boat Canadian Pacific was...
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. — At 7 o'clock in the morning of the 17th of July, 1948, the Totland coastguard telephoned that the British steamer Royal Sovereign had reported that she had in tow the motor yacht Firefly, of St....
A strong S.E. gale sprang up on the 29th July, and at 5 P.M. information was received by telephone from Hurlstone signal- station that a boat was in distress. The crew of the Life-boat George Leicester were summoned and in seven minutes the...