Each year's Annual Presentation of Awards provides an opportunity for an informal discussion on some of the medal services, the lifeboats involved and other aspects of lifeboat work. The day after the presentation of the medals in London...
Category: Articles
Motor yacht Cadabra, which tours the coasts of Great Britain on sales promotion for Sandhurst Marketing Ltd., a firm of stationers, has completed her fourth round-Britain trip, and Brian Hulme, Chairman of the company, has presented a cheque...
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Photography at Sea – techniques for capturing amazing photographs afloat
by Patrick Roach and Fred Barter
Review by Tony Roddam
Patrick Roach learned his craft in the swinging sixties at the...
Category: Articles
SOOTHPOBT, liAHCASHIBE. While the wind was blowing half a gale from the W., on the morning of the 14th May, the schooner Mary and Ann, of Bundalk, bound from Annalong, Co. Down, to (Jarston, with a cargo of stone, was observed to be In the...
Three boats TWO DINGHIES in difficulties were reported to the honorary secretary of Wicklow lifeboat station at 1655 on Monday April 16. The first dinghy, with two adults and five children on board, was a mile south of the lifeboat station...
Wicklow.—During the evening of the 1st June, 1938, the motor yacht Cygnet, of Dublin, with a man and a boy on board, was caught by bad weather E.S.E. of Wicklow Head. Her steeringgear was damaged and she began to make water. A moderate N.E....
BECAUSE of the growing interest in Shoreline clubs it has been suggested that we try to organise a general, countrywide get-together and, following a kind offer from Shoreline Club No 3, Southend-on-Sea, we are looking into the possibility...
Category: Articles
Car Draw winner Miss Daphne Knights (left) is pictured with Anne Wilkins, the RNLI's regional organiser for Greater London collecting her new Volvo from Tamplins Volvo dealership in Croydon. Miss Knights current car is pictured right, a... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
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