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13061 search results for 'royal family'
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Lord Inchcape Chairman of the City of London Appeal Escorts the Lord Mayor of London Col Sir Ronald Gardner-Thorpe Cbe Id Up the Beautiful Staircase of the Fishmongers' Hall to the Banq

Date: Autumn 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 474

Lord Inchcape, chairman of the City of London appeal, escorts the Lord Mayor of London, Col Sir Ronald Gardner-Thorpe, GBE ID, up the beautiful staircase of the Fishmongers' Hall to the banquetting hall. With them (centre front) is John... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Your Letters

Date: Winter 2001

Volume: 58

Issue: 555

Licencing for sailors? is interesting to speculate on what would happen if we were ever to lose our traditional freedom to go to sea.

Many lifeboat callouts are for seafarers in small craft powered by unreliable outboard...

Category: Correspondence

Some Ways of Raising Money

Date: Autumn 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 466

National Lotteries YOU WILL FIND in this journal eight tickets for our fifth national lottery, also a reply paid envelope to use if you wish to take part. The tickets can be sold to any member of the public and not necessarily to members of...

Category: Donations

Schools for Sailors. Third Article

Date: January 1863

Volume: 05

Issue: 47


IN completion of what I have before said, while advocating the claims of sailors upon public aid for special instruction, I will now only make a few supplementary remarks upon the...

Category: Articles

A Rowing Boat

Date: October 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 347

Holyhead, Anglesey.—At 9.25 in the evening of the 21st of July, 1948, the coastguard telephoned that a small rowing boat, with three Royal Air Force cadets on board, was in difficulties about half a mile to the eastward of Salt Island Point,...

Jean Horsley

Date: Winter 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 364

Hartlepool, Durham.—At 2.47 early on the morning of the 9th of February, 1953, the coastguard telephoned that a boat off the Palliser Works, north of Hartlepool, was burning flares, and at 3.15 the life-boat The Princess Royal, Civil Service...


Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353

Hartlepool, Durham.—At 6.40 on the night of the 1st of February, 1950, the coastguard telephoned that a vesselwas burning rags two miles north-by- east of Heugh Light. A strong south- erly breeze was blowing, with a rough sea. At 7.20...

Brigadier-General W. S. Swabey, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E.

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

BRIGADIER-GENERAL W. S. SWABEY, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., who died in September at the age of 68, had a distinguished career in the Royal Army Service Corps. During the war of 1914 to 1918 he was Deputy Director of Supplies in France, and...

Category: Obituaries

A Dinghy

Date: March 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 419

Hartlepool, Co. Durham - At 12.50 a.m. on 8th September, 1966, a small dinghy, with one man aboard, was reported overdue from a fishing trip. At I o'clock the life-boat The Princess Royal (Civil Service No. 7) left her moorings in a...

When Hm the Queen Visited Shetland In May to Open Sullom Voe Oil

Date: Spring 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 476

When HM The Queen visited Shetland in May to open Sullom Voe Oil Terminal, accompanied by HM King Olav of Norway and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, the Royal party also took a walk in Lerwick, stopping to talk with crew members aboard the Arun... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs