LISTEN TO Dr Sydney Peace and, underlying all that he says, you will hear the ring of his abiding love of the sea. You will also hear the echoes of his deep respect of all seafaring people and in particular for the lifeboatmen of Orkney,...
Category: Articles
RNLI Videos Lifeboats 24/7 £8.00* The story of the RNLI with rescue reconstructions Launch £6.00* For older children and adults Building Support for lifeboats £8.00* ff" uminoar chilHron Constructing the lifeboat shore...
Category: Advertisement
FORTHCOMING EVENTS We regret that we are unable to include notices of forthcoming events in THE LIFEBOAT. Although we appreciate fully the benefits of obtaining advance publicity for fundraising events the sheer number involved would soon...
Category: Articles
THE EXPERIENCES of a number of lifeboats in the severe gales last winter led to the appointment in February, 1978 of a working party to examine what more could be done to reduce the dangers facing lifeboat crews in extreme conditions....
Category: Articles
Over the water from Milford Haven, where the tall chimneys of the oil refineries belch out their smoke, lies the small village of Angle, a village of about 200 inhabitants, a village which the Industrial Revolution seems almost to have...
Category: Articles
The Lifeboat is the RNLI's main contact with you, our supporters, so we are keen to ensure that it is doing its job well. To help us understand your needs better, we sent out 25,000 questionnaires with the autumn 2003 magazine. Thank you...
Category: Articles
Greater London.
CHINGFORD.—Address to the Rotary Club by the district organizing secretary.
CLAPHAM.—Annual meeting on 20th October, Mrs. Clarke, chairman, presiding.
Speakers :...
Category: Branches
At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION, held at Princes' Hall, Piccadilly, on Saturday, 15th day of March, 1890, His Grace The DUKE OF FIFE, K.T., in the Chair, the following Report of the Committee was...
Category: Annual Reports
HOLY ISLAND.—On the 29th April, 1867, j the Grace Darling life-boat went off and assisted safely into harbour two fishing- smacks, which were observed in distress during very stormy weather. Had it not! been for the services of the life-boat...
Category: Services
A VISUAL REPRESENTATION Full accounts are available from Poole headquarters and a detailed report of the annual general meeting held on May 22 at the Royal Festival Hall, London, will be published in the autumn issue O/THE LIFEBOAT.
Category: Accounts