ALL agree that the past year was one of unusual difficulty for any engaged in charitable enterprise. No good work, whatever its character or scope, can be carried on without money, and to obtain this necessary commodity in a sufficient...
Category: Articles
THE R.N.L.I., as a result of the Fraserburgh inquiry, has been widely discussed in the press and debated on television. Many letters have been received at headquarters, including a large number following the Public Relation Officer's...
Category: Articles
AT the Annual General Meeting of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the London Tavern on Thursday, the 26th day of April, 1855, REAR-ADMIRAL His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., PRESIDENT, in the Chair, The following Report...
Category: Annual Reports
From an Old Carthusian.
ON Trafalgar Day last year the Institu- tion received the following letter :— " In accordance with an old-estab- lished custom, I have pleasure in for- warding, in order to reach you on the 21st...
Category: Donations
THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 128 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 40 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to February 29th, 1936 - 64,549
His Majesty King George...
Category: Obituaries
It is with deep regret that we record the death in February of Major-General R H Farrant. CB, chairman of the Institution from 1975 until his retirement in 1979.
Major-General Farrant joined the Committee of Management of...
Category: Obituaries
The RNLI in Ireland Having been for more than 21 years honorary secretary of one of the busiest lifeboat stations in Ireland, I was naturally much interested by the fine article in the spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT by my friend Brian Clark,...
Category: Correspondence
FROM time to time special attention has been drawn in the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL to the excellent work in life-saving done by means of Life-boats, etc., connected with the Life-boat services on the Continent and elsewhere, all of which have come...
Category: Articles
At the Annual General Meeting of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the London Tavern on Tuesday the 17th day of March, 1863, The Eight Honourable LORD LOVAINE, M.P., P.O., in the Chair, The following Report of the Committee was...
Category: Annual Reports
We celebrated the work of some very special RNLI volunteers at our Annual Presentation of Awards in May. Here we feature Natasha Lambert, and two other dedicated volunteers
The RNLI has no...
Category: Articles