WE ARE DELIGHTED to be able to publish below a photograph of the lifeboatmen of Blyth, the port at which the 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat RNLB Shoreline is stationed; and on page 81 is reported a fine service in which both Shoreline and...
Category: Articles
Driven ashore THE HONORARY SECRETARY of Stornoway lifeboat station received a message from HM Coastguard at 0540 on Sunday, August 28, saying that a small foreign vessel, Vieux Copains, had gone aground at Battery Point at Stornoway Bay, one...
Moved by Capt. H.R.H. The DUKE OF YORK, E.N., KG.
Seconded by His Grace The DUKE OF NORFOLK, KG., Postmaster- General.
Category: Meetings
Thursday, 3rd September, 1863. Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Report of Captain DAVID ROBERTSON, K.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Lifeboats of the Institution, of the 3rd...
Category: Committee
MY HUSBAND AND I took over as joint secretaries of the Barmouth R.N.L.I, branch and guild in 1967. Our hard-working predecessors had received wonderful support in their fund-raising efforts from both residents and visitors. With rapidly...
Category: Articles
THE Hundred and Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Governors oi the Institution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on Wednesday, 28th March, at 3 p.m.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, E.G., President of...
Category: Meetings
THURSDAY, 5th Jan., 1871: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees. The...
Category: Committee
Welcome to your community news for Scotland. For all the latest from where you are, head to RNLI.org/news
Words: Anna Burn
Photos: Nicholas Leach, RNLI/(Lorraine Clark, Kinghorn, Stonehaven, Nettie...
Category: Articles
IN the year 1824 was established, in the City of London, mainly through the benevolent and untiring exertions of the late Sir WM. HILLARY, Bart., Mr. THOMAS WILSON, M.P., and others, the "ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOE THE PRESERVATION...
Category: Articles
By Captain ANTHONY S. THOMSON, C.B., Elder Brother of Trinity House, Commander B.N.B.
Reprinted from the " Journal of the Royal United Service Institution," by permission.
(Continued From p....
Category: Articles