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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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Jersey: Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Names Thomas James King (Below) and (Above) Meets the 89-Year-Old Gold Medallist After Whom the New St.He Her Boat Tak

Date: Summer 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 453

Jersey: Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother names Thomas James King (below) and (above) meets the 89-year-old gold medallist after whom the new St He Her boat takes her name.

Photographs by courtesy of (above) Jersey Evening... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1906

Date: May 1907

Volume: 20

Issue: 224

Jan. 11.—Voted the Silver Medal to Mr.

WILLIAM PENROSE, and the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to his brothers Messrs. THOMAS and HENRY PENROSE for their very gallant but unsuccessful attempt to...

Category: Articles

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Date: November 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 94

THURSDAY, 4th June, 1874: THOMAS CHAPMAN,  Esq., F.R.S., V.f., Chairman of the Institution , in the Chair. ' Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward....

Category: Committee

Services of the Life-Boats In October, November and December, 1953. 85 Lives Rescued

Date: March 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 367

OCTOBER DURING October life-boats were launched 42 times and rescued 16 lives.

DOCTOR TAKEN TO SHETLAND ISLAND Aith, Shetlands.—At 2.35 on the after- noon of the 2nd of October, 1953, the doctor at...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution from the 1st July to the 30th Sept. 1876

Date: November 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 102

ABKLOW.—At daybreak on the 8th July, 1876, the weather being moderate, in- formation was received from the Coastguard that a barque was ashore near " Jack's- j hole," Arklow Banks. The Life-boat Oat- Pensioner was launched...

Category: Services

Notes of the Quarter

Date: December 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 418

In 1966 the value of the inshore rescue boat as a means of saving life at sea has been proved beyond all possible doubt. It was only in 1963 that these boats were first used operationally, largely as an experiment. So successful have they...

Category: Articles

Personal Assistant to the Secretary

Date: June 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 384

LIEUT.-COL. CHARLES EARLE, D.S.O., O.B.E., has been appointed Personal Assistant to the Secretary of the Institution, Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown.

Lieut.-Colonel Earle was born in 1913 and educated at Wellington and the...

Category: Articles

News from the Branches. 1st February to 30th April, 1934

Date: June 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 318

1st February to 30th April, 1934.

Greater London.

ACTON.—Annual meeting, the Mayoress in the chair. Speakers : The Mayor and the district organizing secretary. Amount col- lected in 1933 £93, the...

Category: Branches

Above the Lifeboat In Which He Carried Out the Rescue

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

above, the lifeboat in which he carried out the rescue, Charles Biggs, and her crew photographed two days after the event.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

A Pile-Driver

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.—At 7.20 P.M. on the 5th July, 1939, the coastguard reported two men were in danger on a pile-driver at Milford-on-Sea. A moderate squally S.S.\V. gale was blowing, with a rough breaking sea.
